Re: [IRCA] Why I love this hobby
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Re: [IRCA] Why I love this hobby

> Many of us whine and moan about the sorry state of the hobby, but guys like
> Richard make it all worthwhile. What a great hobby this is.

I, too, love the hobby...
-The pluses:

-The camraderie of getting to know some mighty fine
gentlemen (sorry, there are WAY too few YL's in the hobby - comes with
the territory.)
-The feeling of family you get while growing up with many of
these good people. (I got into SWL/MWDXing when I was 12 [am now 45+]
and really appreciated being taken under the wing by some older
and more experienced DXers... some of whom are here on the list!)
-Bringing new bodies into the hobby (my number one priority now...)
It is challenging in an age where "International Radio listening"
has been reduced to a click of a mouse and it takes extra time
to "explain" the fact that you can pick signals up "from the source".
-The friendly competition and cooperation during peak DX season.
-The colleagial sharing of resources between all the guys.

I could go on and on, but I won't.

Note - there is no downside to this hobby. I feel
that it is very much alive and has lots of life
left in it. It does, however, need to be encouraged
in younger people - not just to accept the "technology of
the day" but to explore other media other than the hi-tech media.

Colin Newell - in Victoria B.C. Canada
Editor-Creator |
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