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Re: [IRCA] Morning TP Methodology?

Live when sunrise is at a reasonable hour, followed by deeper analysis later on recorded files (that can take an hour or more if conditions were good). The DX Fishbarrel, http://www3.telus.net/public/shallpat/test/display.htm which Colin uses, and to which he applies his own nomenclature, is available to all, though is of most use to those in the northwest. It updates about once a minute, and can be recorded using video capture software for later use if desired, for those playing back SDR files and looking for hot spots. I agree that live listening is invigorating, and is required if one is snagging parallels from web streams, and to a lesser degree from shortwave (China and N. Korea mainly; SDRs can record shortwave too, hi)
Live is of course easiest  during the fall, winter and early spring 
months.  You'll notice a distinct falling off of contributions in a 
month or so, when conditions start to become more patchy, and most 
folks get bored.  But that's when occasionally signals from deeper in 
China, Southeast Asia, and even very occasionally the Middle East, 
can turn up, so it is worth continuing to check in the hour before 
local sunrise.
When sunrise isn't at a reasonable hour (April through August), 
mostly it's SDR / Fishbarrel playback.
best wishes,


At 20:24 2018-09-20, R. Colin Newell wrote:
Excellent question!

100% LIVE using my *senses* AND the *Nick Hall-Patch ONLINE radar system*
that gives moment by moment
snapshots of signal strength on ALL of the Splits.

If I was retired I would consider spectrum capture - but I have NO TIME for
evening fiddling with 8 hour old spectrum grabs -
It is not snobbiness on my part -- it is just the desire to be in the
moment with the radio conditions.

My average session is 1/2 hour to 1 hour PRIOR to local SUNRISE for around
30-40 minutes average.

Methodology: I start at 531khz and start cruising UP The dial in fully
manual mode.
I have my R8's memories loaded to ALL the channels - but I prefer to roll
manually khz by khz... call me crazy!

I will often SHUT DOWN early even if the band is still hopping - first sign
of the Sun starting to do its thing: I am out. :-)

KEN: *We ARE early risers - unless there is some TA activity between 0200
and 0700 UTC in the wintertime,*
*We TP Dxers are UP and at it. *

On Thu, Sep 20, 2018 at 1:09 PM ken brookner <kenb@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hi Everybody...
> I enjoy reading everyone's logs during the week and I've been curious
> about what your routine is...   Are you up and doing this real time, SDR
> catches?
> Are you scanning up the band from the bottom or tuning the splits? How
> much time are you spending?
> When I was a kid, I used to turn my days and nights around during the
> summer school breaks so I could tune for stations during darkness.  Not
> possible for me now and I don't expect anyone does that here, though
> maybe you guys are very early risers..
> Thanks!
> Ken
> Lummi Island, WA
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Nick Hall-Patch
Victoria, BC
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