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[IRCA] TP DX in Seattle on 17 Sept

Conditions this morning were not quite as good as yesterday, but interesting nonetheless. The overachievers of the morning were N Korea on 819 and CNR1 on 945, both of which had sustained good signals despite strong splash from adjacent local stations.
Most of the signals peaked about a half hour before local sunrise and he 
gradually drifted into nothingness
558ÂÂÂ S KOREA, 1321 male vocal fair

567ÂÂÂ JOIK, 1308 poor male talk //594

594ÂÂÂ JOAK, good 1259 woman in Japanese, time pips 1300, then man with news

603ÂÂÂ S KOREA 1321 male vocal poor //558

657ÂÂÂ N KOREA, 1304 poor w/emphatic talk

666ÂÂÂ JOBK, 1331 fair-poor w/group enjoying much laughter and merriment

693ÂÂÂ JOAB, 1300 fair with pips and start of Chinese lesson

738ÂÂÂ TAIWAN, 1313 weak talk //1143

747ÂÂÂ JOIB, 1305 Chinese lesson good //774

756ÂÂÂ CHINA, CNR1, 1314 Chinese male //981 fair-poor

774ÂÂÂ JOUB, 1301 Chinese lesson //828/747/693

819ÂÂÂ N KOREA, 1303 emphatic Korean talk good at times in KGNW splatter

828ÂÂÂ JOBB, 1300 good with 3+1 pips, then Chinese lesson

837ÂÂÂ UNID 1330 pop song and talk, too weak to tell language, better 1335 w/phone conversation in what sounded like Korean w/weak mx in background
918ÂÂÂ UNID, 1314 weak male/female talk, sounded more like Japanese than 
945ÂÂÂ CHINA, CNR1 1308 Chinese talk good //981

963ÂÂÂ CHINA, CRI, 1325 woman in Russian good

972ÂÂÂ S KOREA, good w/discussion in Korean 1309

981ÂÂÂ CHINA, CNR1, 1309 male talk good //945

1116ÂÂÂ UNID, weak talk and vocal song 1318

1206ÂÂÂ CHINA, Yanbian, 1320 Korean talk good but distorted & slightly off-freq
1287ÂÂÂ JAPAN, JOHR, 1315 Japanese talk fair

1314ÂÂÂ UNID, animated talk 1308 briefly weak, sounded Japanese

1323ÂÂÂ CHINA, CRI, 1307 good woman in Russian

1566 S KOREA, HLAZ, good 1312 Japanese woman talking w/piano in background
1575ÂÂÂ THAILAND 1331 bits of audio from presumed VOA Khmer service

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