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Re: [IRCA] Oct 14 West Coast TP/DU early birds...

The low band sure opened up after 1400UT or so. Before, I couldn't say, ahem, this was the morning to both foul up the recording and sleep in.
ABC teletalk on quite a few channels and the Maori stations on 765 
and 603 as well.  Report later.
best wishes,


At 13:42 14-10-16, you wrote:
1330U - Largely carriers only - low/mid band. Upper band devoid of signals.

Tons of vibrant lightning static
from the typhoon remnant out in the pacific - currently setting its sights on NW DXer antenna locations.
Audio just appearing on 612, 702, 738, 792, -- all likely DU.

Colin Newell - CoffeeCrew.com - VA7WWV - Victoria - BC
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Nick Hall-Patch
Victoria, BC
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