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[IRCA] S. AZ TPs, Thursday 9/22

Very high static, not local, only going away 20 min before sunrise hampered hearing weak signals. Conditions seemed better than usual. Expanded band had a bunch of hets and 1611 produced very poor audio (for a DU). Nothing heard for a pulser on 1566 today.
Steve AA7U

near Sahuarita, AZ

R75; 140' DKAZ + FLG-100 preamp

594 very poor 1323 utc

657 very poor/poor 1256

747 Japan very poor/poor 1222

774 Japan medium 1258

819 very poor 1300

1008 very poor 1305

1143 very poor 1309

1179 very poor 1310

1206 China (lo het) very poor 1311

1242 very poor 1312

1566 HLAZ weak/medium 1250, finally fading 1345. No pulser heard.

1575 VOA presumed very poor/poor 1251

1611.00 very poor 1321

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