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Thanks for your reply.  Yes indeed.  WCHB is usually quite strong here.
Tonight they are really slamming in with gospel music & "The People's
Inspiration Station" slogans.  And their IBOC is really bad.  It is still on
at 2015 CST.  I have heard their IBOC in the evening before.  Never bothered
to hang around to see how long they keep it on.  Right now WOWO is being
affected pretty badly.  The "Big Talker" on 1210 is busting through it at
this time.  If I remember correctly, WCHB was one of the first in the
country to start using IBOC.

As far as the mom & pop stations go, Minnesota Public Radio will probably
gobble up a few of them here in MN [depending on the location.]

Thanks again.

Paul LaFreniere
Grand Marais, MN7

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