[IRCA] Think Before Spweaking!
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[IRCA] Think Before Spweaking!

From: N0UIHEric@xxxxxxx
Reply-To: Mailing list for the International Radio Club of America<irca@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: irca@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [IRCA] Looks like another CC station to go to Air America
Date: Wed, 1 Sep 2004 23:54:16 EDT

Surprising for a group that's so pro-Bush that it isn't a laughing matter.

73, Eric (N0UIH)

WHY do you believe that your views are shared by the majority??? Especially when one considers that you are autistic like me?

I am fiercely Independant although I have voted for more Republicans than Democrats in the past. I LEARN all I can about the candadates and the issues as well as the party platforms before I make an educated decision.

My obsession is history, and I must recall more of it than you. One is you cannot blame a president for the actions of the entire government. Examples follow:

Herbert Hoover was blamed for thye Great Depression even though Wall Street did it by margin purchases.

Franklin Roosevelt like Kennedy and Clinton used the "trickle down economics theory" in theor campaigns. Not true of course, but sounds true to the poor.

The Democratic Party caused chaos at the polls in Saint Louis in 2002 by registering to vote many uneducated minorities. They never instructed them in the election process!!!! Further, felons were registered to vote and many people went to old polling places after moving.

Registration to vote carries with it responsibility to educate new voters! The Democrats failed there. All they want to a gand of "yes" people to vote blindly for deomcratic candadates. That is mind control, and is anti-biblical!

You have always shot off your mouth without thinging, and I wish you would please GROW UP thinking before you speak!

Terry Alan Klasek
Hazelwood, Missouri
Living with Lifelong Asperger's Disorder, and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder from Vietnam.

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