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[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs, September 16-20

** AFGHANISTAN [non]. More evidence that R. Solh, 17700 via UK, is playing
exactly the same program every day: Some days before, we had noticed the CD
skipping during music at 1346 UT, and exactly the same thing happened on Sept
19 and Sept 20. Altho we still haven`t found a new time for the old ``Solh
theme``, we enjoy especially the call-and-response tune at 1416 and the one
which follows at 1421, Sept 19 and presumably every day. Reception has
equinoxially improved lately (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ALBANIA. R. Tirana coming in well on 13750, Sept 18 at 1301, but in Albanian
instead of English! 1315 abruptly switched to English with ID, 1317 music.
Drita Çiço explains: ``Glenn, this was because of blocked radio/relay on Dajt
mountain. Sorry`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** AUSTRALIA [and non]. The 10 kW DRM from Brandon, 5990-5995-6000, was enough
to QRM RHC on 6000, Sept 20 at 1247 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BULGARIA. R. Bulgaria, 15700, Sept 20 at 1325 was accompanied by ratchy
spurs at roughly 15685 and 15715 during talk modulation peaks; and 15700 itself
had a ringing sound in the background. Recheck at 1344 during music, no spurs
heard, perhaps modulated just enough less to avoid them (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX

** JAPAN [and non]. R. Nikkei, 6055, JOZ2, plays some classical and other good
music, and is well worth listening to, despite being in Japanese --- except Wed
Sept 19 at 1315, there was a discussion with a segment every so often in
English! Perhaps it was just being translated into Japanese, but each segment
was fairly long and not faded under as for voice-over. 1329 sign-off
announcement with frequencies, callsigns, powers, 1330* Also listened Thu Sept
20 to some classical music but it was interrupted at 1244 for Japanese
announcements and ID. The radio was already tuned to 6055, since we had been
enjoying the music on La Bañera de Ulises from Spain until 0555 (Glenn Hauser,

** MEXICO. Keeping track of when XEYU is active: Sept 19 at 1333, Spanish
discussion about Mexican history, poor but readable on 9599.2 (Glenn Hauser,

** OKLAHOMA. While bandscanning for IBOCh, Sept 16 at 0558, I noticed on 1020
kHz ``CBS Radio Networks, channel 45`` loop announcement with tones. Went right
thru 0600 with no local ID break, and still going at 0611. From strength and
direxion, this was obviously my semi-local KOKP Perry OK, an all-too-common
example of AM stations running with no human oversight whatsoever. Automation
mistuned to wrong satellite channel. Chances are good, especially late at
night, that if you tune thru the entire MW band, you will hear the same loop
running somewhere (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TURKEY. VOT, 15450, Live from Turkey, Thu Sept 20 at 1250-1320, was
propagating much better as we get into equinox. The two hosts were gabbing as
usual, without any phone calls. They mentioned not having heard from former
regulars Christopher Lewis and David Crystal, and also that they were getting
so many calls that the phone lines were jammed and could not put them on the
air. I assume they were joking. Someone allegedly called but did not want to
reveal name or location; maybe on next week (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING

** U S A. WBCQ advises us that from Sept 26, the Wednesday 2200 UT broadcast of
WORLD OF RADIO on 7415 will be replaced by Thursday 2330 on 7415. This should
improve propagation, being a sesquihour closer to darkness, but at 24+ hours
later, will no longer be the first airing anywhere. The Wednesday 2300 on
18910-CLSB remains unchanged. We have been unable to hear any trace of this for
months, just not propagating if really on the air (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX

** U S A. The MW lists have been full of IBOCh reports, channels now suffering
this self-destructive interference. I have not been tracking it in detail, but
here`s what I found in a MW bandscan Sept 16 around 0600: 1210 & 1190
especially bad (from WOAI); 1130 thru 1100 from KMOX and KFAB; 1050 & 1030 from
WHO; 900 & 880 from WLS; 770 & 750 from WJR; 730 & 710 & 690, from WGN & WLW
(Glenn Hauser, Enid OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 18960, weak 1 kHz tone test fading in and out, Sept 19 at 1335;
what could it be? The only known broadcasters on this band are 18910, 18930,
18980, 19010. 18 MHz band is also subject to second harmonix from 9 MHz, but in
this case I doubt it came from 9980 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

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