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[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs October 29

** AFGHANISTAN [non]. R. Solh, 15265 via Rampisham UK, Oct 29 at 1346-1349
reconfirmed still with sticking music CD, as had been heard any day in A-07 on
17700, so this anomaly has survived the QSY (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING

** ALBANIA [and non]. VOA threw a monkey wrench into the worx, moving Spanish
to 6110 for a sesquimonth, and thus drawing Cuban jamming, while R. Tirana
already planned to use 6110 to NAm starting in B-07. VOA is gone, but not the
jamming. The DentroCuban Jamming Command will eventually catch on, but it
usually takes a while. While on UT Oct 28 I could not hear Tirana at all, on
Oct 29 it was there at 0113 with nice Albanian music, the jamming not too
severe at the moment, // 7425. This is the Albanian transmission scheduled
0000-0130; however at 0130 check, when both signals had weakened a lot, they
kept going in Albanian instead of English, that being the day off for English,
but Albanian is still nominally ending at 0130.

The retimed morning broadcast at 1530 on new 13640 is now running Mon-Sat, so
not heard Sun Oct 28 but Mon Oct 29 at 1530 with transmission schedule, still
announcing old 13750 and 13720 frequencies and old times of 1300 and 2000
respectively; tho the correct new transmission schedule was already heard Oct
28 at 0330 on 6110, as I reported. Reception on 13640 was only poor, and at
first I thought it had unforeseen co-channel QRM, since I heard Chinese mixing,
but this turned out to be cross-modulation, receiver overload from the huge CRI
signal via Sackville on 13675. Attenuating got rid of it, and I hope when and
where Tirana has a somewhat stronger relative signal, this will not be a
problem. The new 9915 broadcast at 2100 was not heard Sunday either, but should
be on Mon-Sat (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ALGERIA [non]. Under PMS, 6090 Anguilla, Oct 29 at 0538, muezzin. This was
right on frequency so not Nigeria or something. Must be a new service --- yes,
Rampisham UK is now on 6090 at 0400-0600 due south. Must presume this is RTA
Algeria Qur`an service, which the Brits are happy to propagate, since the
casual listener will assume it`s axually direct from Algeria (Glenn Hauser, OK,

** CROATIA [non]. Glas Hrvatske, ex-9925, confirmed back in 40m hamband on 7285
via Germany for B-07 to Americas (oops, Iceland!), 0137 Oct 29 three
transmitters from two sites synchronized OK, no echo noticeable (Glenn Hauser,

** CUBA [non]. Another reactivated frequency for R. Martí is 5745, heard Oct 29
at 1318 in Spanish // 7405, but no jamming yet on 5745, now scheduled
1100-1400. At 1506, big jamming still going on 11845, no longer occupied by
Martí, but instead 15330 still in the clear, tho // 11930 and 13820 are jammed
as usual (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. R. Amanecer, presumed, 6025.1, Oct 29 at 0127 hymns with
piano accompaniment, perhaps from local studio or church, followed by Spanish
announcement. Bad splatter from CRI 6020 via Albania, much more of a problem
than adjacent DentroCuban jamming and Martí on 6030. On the DX-398 tuning in
5-kHz steps with BFO on, it was easy to tell this one was off frequency, and
hence rule out a major broadcaster, except Sackville (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX

** EGYPT. R. Cairo, 7270, Oct 29 at 0136, and also when checked earlier in that
hour, just open carrier, or if there was modulation, it was too low to
register. Supposed to be in Spanish 0045-0200 until English starts (Glenn

** ETHIOPIA [non]. Tensae now supposed to be on 11900 at 15-16, but Oct 29 at
1500 nothing audible, not even jamming. I miss the excitement of ex-15645

** FRANCE [non]. RFI can`t be bothered to put even a semihour in English on SW
to NAm, even tho they still produce English for Africa, but they still do
Spanish to NAm, noted Oct 29 at 0118, VG on 5995 with sports report including
what`s going on in LAm and France. This is 295 degrees from Guiana French, and
the eastern 3/4 of the USA, CIRAF zones 7 and 8 are part of the official target
area! Ditto for // 9800, unchecked. However, RFI has just abolished 2/3 of its
daytime Spanish semihours on 17630 via GUF, the ones at 1600 and 1800,
retaining only 2100 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GUIANA FRENCH. TDF DRM, 17870-17875-17880, has been missing for a couple of
weeks, and still missing Monday Oct 29 at 1402 check; fine with me, tho Libya
is gone from 17870 to 17725 for 14-16 English (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING

** HUNGARY [and non]. R. Budapest, 5980 in Hungarian to NAm, Oct 29 at 0117 was
atop co-channel in Arabic, which must be Morocco, missing from HFCC and perhaps
assumed not to exist. This was also a problem last winter, but thankfully, it
matters little now as Budapest has abolished English (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX

** KURDISTAN [non]. V. of Mesopotamia, via Moldova, now scheduled on 11530 all
the way from 0500 to 1500, but as usually happens, blocked by inconsiderate US
station much of the time. Oct 29 at 1330 WYFR in Portuguese atop; at 1407
recheck, VOM in the clear, poor with flutter.
WYFR now scheduled on 11530, 05-08 & 12-14. At least WEWN does not come on
11530 until 1500. So that leaves 08-12 & 14-15 clear for VOM (Glenn Hauser, OK,
** SLOVAKIA. RSI, still on 7230 to NAm for English at 0100, despite this being
in an exclusive hamband in Region 2; Oct 29 at 0110 in mailbag replying to Ted
Schuerzinger in NY, but not at all sure how to pronounce his name; must not
know much German there in Bratislava. OTOH, the presenters seemed not to be
Slovax (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SPAIN. REE`s website is not exactly user-friendly, mixed in with RTVE, but I
finally found they have put up a handy new program schedule grid dated Oct 29,
but beware: not specified but must be in local time since I heard La Hora de
Asia Sun at 1405 UT, not 1505 as on the sked! And co-official languages are in
the 1330 UT semihour now, not 1430.


I was looking for La Bañera de Ulises, the Mediterranean-music show from Radio
3, but it`s no longer on the REE schedule, and if you go to Radio 3, you are
redirected to REE for it! However, it is still on the R3 schedule Sat at 14
local, which from now on should be 13 UT, perhaps the only way to hear it, as
an audio archive, also hard to locate, only linx to a couple of months of shows
from (last?) Nov & Dec.

A new show on the REE schedule may be its replacement, ``La Costa de las
Tormentas``, Thu 06, Sat 09, Mon 01, for 50 minutes within these hours. Could
not find anything about this show, even whether it`s musical or not, but need
to check it out. Thu at 05 UT was a previous time for LBdU on REE.

Amigos de la Onda Corta has also changed scheduling, probably 5 minutes later
than: Fri 0730, Sat 1100, Sun 0400, Mon 0330, apparently no longer Sun at 0105.
The grid says nothing about frequencies, so you have to look elsewhere for
those (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SUDAN [non]. If Miraya FM, 9825 via ? stays at 13-16 UT instead of 15-18,
they now confront VOA Tinang at 14-15, which is what I heard here signing off
at 1500 Oct 29. There was a slight SAH and very weak signal there afterwards

** TURKEY. 15450 was doing fine most days in Oct from VOT, English at
1230-1325, but they go and change it for B-07, now 1330-1425 on 12035 and
11735, same as B-06. And also same as B-06, on first check Oct 29 at 1407 in
Turkish music, 11735 tho poor with flutter, was much better than barely audible
12035. This is anomalous, since 12035 is aimed at WEu and NAm, and 11735 is
aimed eastward. Unless the antennas are messed up, as we frequently suspected,
apparently long-path is working better than short-path (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX

** VATICAN. ``Laudetur Jesus Christus`` heard on 5965 as soon as I tuned in,
Oct 29 at 0540, and into French, a fast SAH mixing with REE Costa Rica, which
is scheduled 0400-0800. 5965 is new for Vatican, and they are making extensive
use of it, damn the QRM. Perhaps they think they have inherited rights to it
from Rai. Vatican on 5965 now 0400-0805, 0900-1015, 1100-1215 (Glenn Hauser,

** VENEZUELA [non]. RNV CI via Cuba, reconfirmed still on 11680 at 1505 Oct 29.
Not like they observe any HFCC seasonal change dates (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX

UNIDENTIFIED. 6020, R. Australia now has more QRM, after Vatican via
Philippines closes at 1315; Oct 29 at 1319 mixing with a big buzz, like one of
those defective Russian or North Korean transmitters; but I see nothing listed
to account for it (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###

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