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[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs October 16-17

** AFGHANISTAN [non]. R. Solh, 17700 via UK, Oct 16 at 1345 during talk segment
mentioned helicopter --- that may explain the sticking-CD music which always
follows, illustrating what music could sound like thru whirring blades (Glenn

** ALBANIA. In the absence of a specific program schedule from R. Tirana, note
that they included a mailbag segment on Wed Oct 17 at tune-in 1319 on 13750,
reading some reception reports with SINPOs, including one from Mexico. This
would have been a repeat of the Tuesday broadcast on other transmissions. 1321
answering a listener`s question about religious tolerance in Albania --- yes,
there is. Earlier at 1305 when I had first tuned by, there was a burst of noise
when Cuba turned on the 13680 transmitter, but fortunately this time it did not
last (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Firedrake music jamming with good signal at 1253 Oct 16 on 10300,
against Sound of Hope, of which nothing was audible underneath (Glenn Hauser,

** COSTA RICA. Quick check Oct 17 at 1924 reconfirmed that the REE 17850 spurs
were still going around 17595 and 18105, the former hetting REE Noblejas
direct. From Oct 28, 17850 moves to 15125, taking the spurs with it? (Glenn

** CUBA. Came across cut numbers again on 9353, Oct 17 at 1409, and this time
made sure to note they were on CW (A1), not MCW (A2) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX

** CUBA [and non]. Re RHC`s new contradictory transmission schedule: at 2336
Oct 16, nothing audible on 9505, supposedly in English for Caribbean, but on
9550 as usual which is designated for Rio de Janeiro --- why not? RHC also
broadcasts in Arabic to Caribbean in the afternoon. 

On 6000 at 2337, RHC buried here by R. Praga in Spanish via Canadá, collision
going on for entire A-season, Cuba with Mesa Redonda show // much better 9820.
I see that R. Prague, home of HFCC chairman Oldrich Cip, plans to keep the
conflict going in B-07.

Since R. República quit 5910 via Germany on Sept 29, on a hunch I checked that
frequency at 0115 October 17, and sure enough, some Cuban bubble jamming was
still there, against nothing, but if Marfil Estéreo, Colombia were on before
0400, it would still be collateral damage, suffering from the Cuban-American
radio war (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1378, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GREECE. Paused at 15630 for VOG, Oct 16 at 1340 during organ riffs, but this
quickly morphed into Greek rap. Geez, there`s no getting away from it (Glenn

** INDONESIA [and non]. VOI, 9525 was still missing on Oct 17 before 1400,
freeing the channel after that for CRI in Russian.

Around this hour, 9680 is usually a mess, but I check it for RRI at 1403. I
think I did hear some Indonesian in the mix, but then a song about Jesus. No
gospel-huxters listed, and in HFCC you would think nothing but Jakarta is on
the frequency at this hour. Aoki shows CBS Taiwan, which means ChiCom broadcast
jamming as well (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1378, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** JAPAN. Following Bruce Conti`s report of MW from Japan heard in New
Hampshire, and also by Bruce Winkleman in Tulsa, I had to try for it myself.
Oct 17 at 1225 UT, a sesquihour after T-storms moved thru and I could risk
hooking up a new 500-foot antenna wound around the property --- not enough room
for it in a straight line --- by golly, on the FRG-7 I did have carriers on 774
and weaker on 747 kHz. 

Then I switched to the Yachtboy 400, which happens to be set for 9 kHz spacing,
turned on the BFO and slightly detuned it so I could hear hets if there were
any carriers on trans-Pacific splits. Antenna here is just the built-in ferrite
rod, and with several meters of wire inside the house clipped onto the whip,
which probably doesn`t have much effect on MW.

By golly, there were plenty of them, and they all fit on the 9 kHz bandplan, so
not TVI or something else: At 1235-1242 UT, found 585, 594, 612, 648, 693, 702,
828, 873, 891, 972, 1287, 1305, 1368, 1494, 1557. At first I avoided most
frequencies adjacent to 10-kHz, but at 1245 also had carrier on 711 hetting
KCMO 710, and something on 621.

Meanwhile, at 1243 I went back to 774, and definitely heard audio in Japanese,
so I`m claiming JOUB, NHK-2, Akita, which is 500 kW on the NW coast of Honshu.
Later checking the path on the NGS globe, I see that it`s tangent to the 59th
parallel, i.e. across Kodiak and the SW coast of Alaska. Local sunrise here was
1240 UT. 747 Sapporo, Hokkaido, goes one degree further north, but did not get
any audio from it. KRMG-740 Tulsa was getting to be a problem, perhaps on day
pattern by now.

Unfortunately, my box loop is dismantled, my SM-2 no longer works, I don`t have
room for beverages, nor is selectivity tight enough on my present receivers for
much serious MW DX, but I`m pleased to hear these, with Japan definitely heard
here in OK after a good many years, thanks to rock-bottom sunspots and flux

** MICRONESIA. Oct 16 at 1250 looking for PMA The Cross, but no sign of it on
4755, just some utility pulsing. PMA supposedly signs off between 1300 and 1900
now per posted FM/SW program schedule (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** RUSSIA. VOR huge distorted blob Oct 16 at 1255 was on yet another frequency
range, centered on 15875, extending roughly 15840-15905, fortunately away from
19m broadcasters for once, still leaving WWCR 15825 in the clear. 1258 VOR IS,
in case there was any doubt about the source. Recheck at 1355, the center had
shifted down to 15870.

That was the transmitter scheduled on 15550 for Hindi at 1300, but missing from
there, and finally, on Oct 17 it was back on 15550 with normal modulation, at
1257 in presumed Urdu giving contact info, e-mail address, listeners` clubs not
only in Pakistan, but also in Bharat, pronouncing web addresses and even
numbers in English, why? 1300 IS and ID now in Hindi, // 15605. No spurs found
further up the band, so evidently back in whack; let`s hope it stays that way.
The spurs were incredibly loud here, way off the back, half a world from the
target zone, making me wonder if the azimuth was also upscrewed.

More work is needed on the 15810 transmitter, which still has quite a
motorboating sound mixing with the audio, checked Oct 17 at 1301, fortunately
not bothering other stations, but driving away Afghan listeners (Glenn Hauser,

** TURKEY [and non]. VOT, 15450, Oct 16 at 1302 with talk on Atatürk`s views on
art; then Food of the Court show about fish markets, but cut off abruptly at
1305 and started over --- take 2 from the recording studio without deleting
take 1? Gave detailed recipe one would have had to be taping to copy, if one
could understand every word, as the announcers tend to rush, including saffron
and cinnamon, yum! 1314 filling with Turkish music. Tho that was nice, I
thought I would check the Turkish service for even more music on 15350.
Unfortunately, at the moment that was not VOT, but instead at 1318 a Christian
hymn and ID as Family Radio. Çakirlar ends at 1300, with YFR via Wertachtal
then taking over 15350. The next day, Wed Oct 17 at 1302, 15450 had Letterbox
with one from Japan (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. Previously noted audio breakup on R. Martí programming via Delano,
13820 after 2000, but on Oct 17 at 1412 I was surprised to hear the same kind
of cutouts on 11845, which is supposed to be Greenville. I wonder if they
temporarily shifted to Delano; no such problem on 11930 Greenville, and I
should have compared them for satellite delay. 11845 had other problems, a
hum/buzz and spurs out to at least plus/minus 10 kHz peaking when the
modulation broke. No jamming audible on 11845 against this strong signal, but
it was probably there (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1378, DX LISTENING

UNIDENTIFIED. 1181 mystery carrier, still there at 2338 UT Oct 16 check, two
months after first reported, quite weak but DFing as always around 125 degrees
(Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###

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