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[HCDX] Japan to license radio broadcasts to N. Korea in support of Japanese kidnap victims

Japan to license radio broadcasts to N. Korea in support of Japanese 
kidnap victims
Japan said Tuesday it will license a private radio station to broadcast 
messages of support to potential Japanese abduction survivors living in 
communist North Korea.

Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications Yoshihide Suga told a 
press conference the ministry plans to approve the license Thursday, 
ministry official Michinari Motohashi said.

A support group, based in Tokyo, has been transmitting 30-minute 
programs twice daily via shortwave since late 2005. But the group has 
had to commission a British broadcaster because it had no license to 
operate in Japan, according to group member Kenji Murao.

Kyodo News agency said the British company transmitted the programs 
for the group via facilities in North Korea's neighboring countries.

It is unusual for the government to grant such licenses to a non-
broadcaster or private group.

"The abduction victims are waiting to be rescued as early as possible," 
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe told a group of reporters Tuesday. "We have 
the responsibility to have the abducted people return to Japan. It was a 
decision made from this viewpoint."

"It was regrettable that (the group) has not been able to send 
messages from Japan until now," the communication minister was 
quoted as saying by Motohashi. "The license will allow constant and 
stable release of information from Japan. I'd be very happy if this leads 
to the early resolution of the kidnapping issue."

North Korea admitted in 2002 that it kidnapped 13 Japanese citizens in 
the 1970s and '80s. Pyongyang sent five of them home later that year, 
but insisted the rest were dead. Japan has demanded proof and says 
more of its citizens may have been taken.

Earlier this month, the government announced plans to launch a 
television ad campaign to boost public support for the kidnapping issue. 
It plans to broadcast the commercial on 114 commercial TV stations 
across the nation until March 31.

Tuesday's announcement came as North Korean state media lashed 
out at Japan for raising what it called the already-resolved issue of the 
kidnapping, claiming the move is an attempt to scuttle international 
nuclear talks, now being held in Beijing. (AP)

March 20, 2007

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