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[Swprograms] Podding Along - Issue 458

Podcasts permit a shift of listening time from a set appointment to virtually any convenient occasion.  Some of the best radio comes from the public networks of the UK, Australia, Ireland, Canada, New Zealand and the U.S.  While there are hundreds, perhaps thousands, of great podcasts from other sources, the ones sponsored via public radio have been vetted though the worthy objectives of the medium. 

I personally curate this now resuming series of small samplings that are listed in more or less 90 minute helpings. Admittedly that makes these recommendations somewhat subjective.  But, as you will see, my interests are many and my tolerance for incompatible topics and views are pretty wide-ranging.  I hope you will find these suggestions helpful in enhancing your enjoyment of radio.

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“Costly Floods and Chokepoint Capitalism”
THE MONEY - ABC RN (Radio National)
The flood events of 2022 are now the most costly natural disaster on record. Since February/March the total insured losses are around 5.5 billion dollars and it's climbing every day says Andrew Hall, CEO of Insurance Council Australia. Much more needs to be done in building resilience mitigation. And, tugboats. They're relatively small but they carry a lot of weight. Not just in the ships they pull but the monopoly they have within supply chains. Flavio Macau from Edith Cowan University, explains how they are an example of a chokepoint. That's an area Melbourne University's Professor of Law, Rebecca Giblin has been exploring. How chokepoint capitalism has become a defining feature of the modern economy.  Using the creative industries, Rebecca, along with her co-author Cory Doctorow, look at how monopolies use their power to crush competition and lock in both creators and customers. But, there are solutions to combat this as outlined in their book Chokepoint Capitalism. 
Andrew Hall, CEO of Insurance Council of Australia.
Flavio Macau, Associate Professor at Edith Cowan University.
Rebecca Giblin, ARC Future Fellow, Professor at Melbourne Law School and Director of the Intellectual Property Research Institute of Australia.
Book: Chokepoint Capitalism by Rebecca Giblin and Cory Doctorow and published by Scribe in Australia.
Presenters, Richard Aedy AND Antony Funnell  (30”)

“Why We're Shopping Like it's 1979”
"No More Free Returns?”
"Hydrogen: Great Green Hope? Or Hype?"
- Food price inflation hasn't been this bad since we wore bell bottoms and cheered on the Montreal Expos.
Danielle Nerman talks to a woman who remembers budget meals of wieners and beans, and explains how agricultural technology and a globalized food system gave us the last four decades of historically cheap food.   
- Online returns cost retailers millions of dollars. Now some companies are pushing back. In the UK, retailers like Zara and Uniqlo are starting to charge customers to return online purchases. Here in Canada, an online fashion website has come up with its own solution — customers ship their returned item to the next customer who wants it.
Think of it as "returning it forward.” 
- People have been pumping the tires for hydrogen for a long time. But now, some believe it is closer than ever to fulfilling its promise.  Paul Haavardsrud talks to the Mayor of Stephenville, Newfoundland — where residents are buzzing about the billions that could be spent in their community. But only if someone figures out how to ship hydrogen across the Atlantic. No biggie. 

“What Should I Know About RSV?"
A lot more kids are heading to emergency rooms with symptoms of RSV so this week we're sharing what you should know about RSV. Dr. Fatima Kakkar, an infectious diseases pediatrician at Montreal's Sainte-Justine Hospital, shares what parents should know about the virus. (27”)

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A monthly compendium of these newsletters, plus on occasion additional pertinent material, will resume in December's CIDX Messenger, the monthly e-newsletter of the Canadian International DX Club (CIDX).  For further information, go to www.cidx.ca

John Figliozzi
Editor, "The Worldwide Listening Guide”
10th EDITION available NOW from universal-radio.com, amazon.com. amazon.co.uk and amazon.com.au, ham radio outlet.   

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