Re: [Swprograms] Fwd: [NASWA] Program changes at Radio Australia
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Re: [Swprograms] Fwd: [NASWA] Program changes at Radio Australia

I think you have it pretty well nailed, Rich.  RA has been doing a lot of 
research into what works (and doesn't) in their target areas.  The use of Radio 
National and other domestic network content was always seen as a stopgap measure 
until RA had the resources to--once again--support its entire 24 hour schedule.  
(You might recall that, at one time, it did.)  There was a question some years 
ago as to whether it should go back to a daypart schedule (i.e.: less than 24/7) 
or stick with a full time service.  It opted for the latter, added a ton of 
domestic content and began lobbying the government for more funds.  It has 
steadily cut back on domestic content as it has expanded its "home grown" 
product.  It will still use a few programs from Radio National and is now 
partnering with ABC Newsradio (which has recently had its own challenges) for 
five hours a day... but the "renovation" is intended to cut out an identity for 
the station that allows it to effectively compete with audiences in its target 
area (Asia and Pacific, especicially in population centers where it has 24/7 FM 
accessibility) leveraging its known strengths--its authoritive (in the region) 
news service and audience interaction shows.  Hence the new emphasis on "talk" 
programming--which frankly resembles the kind of radio we once had 
here--conversation, music, phone-in, variety type stuff. 
Parenthetically, they now have two separate streams (programs are sometimes 
identical), one carrying the Asian service, the other the Pacific service which 
will be reflected on the shortwave frequencies as well.  (We, owing to geography 
and propagation, will get only the Pacific service for the most part.)  They've 
also eliminated the "Multilingual" stream and replaced it with individual 
streams for all their non-English language services. 
John Figliozzi 
Halfmoon, NY 

---- Richard Cuff <richard@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: 
> FYI.  "Late Night Live" remains on RN and is available live and on-demand
> via RN.  "Innovations" has been moved to times that don't propagate well to
> Eastern North America.
> I'd mentioned at the ODXA and NASWA groups that this could be related to an
> evaluation of tastes in RA's "target audiences" -- North America isn't a
> target for them.
> Richard Cuff / Allentown, PA  USA
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Mark Coady <shortwaveloggings@xxxxxxxxx>
> Date: Tue, Apr 12, 2011 at 9:17 AM
> Subject: [NASWA] Program changes at Radio Australia
> To: ODXA Yahoogroup <odxa@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, NASWA <naswa@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Thanks to Glenn Hauser for the heads up on this. Radio Australia's
> website mentions the are "renovating". They have become "revolting".
> Gone from (local time in Eastern North America) our mid-mornings are
> excellent programs like "Late Night Live" and "Innovations". At 1230 a
> program listed as "Live Talk (English for Asia)" comes on with a lady
> DJ with pop music and mindless small talk. Camilla Benson is the DJ
> and calls the program "Radio Australia Overnight".
> -- 
> Mark Coady
> Editor Shortwave Loggings
> Shadow Lake Camp Convenor
> Ontario DX Association
> 829 Fife Bay Marina Lane
> Peterborough, ON K9J 6X3
> (705) 292-9916
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> Richard Cuff / Allentown, PA  USA
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