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[Swprograms] RA/ABC's Late Night Live Celebrates 20
- Subject: [Swprograms] RA/ABC's Late Night Live Celebrates 20
- From: John Figliozzi <jfiglio1@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2011 20:16:29 -0500
This year marks an extraordinary anniversary in Australian
broadcasting as Phillip Adams celebrates 20 years as presenter of ABC
Radio National's flagship program, Late Night Live. Phillip's first
program was broadcast on 28 January 1991, and Late Night Live remains
one of the ABC's most listened to and downloaded programs.
If you're one of Phillip's Gladdies, Poddies or Noddies, click here
to leave your comments about Phillip and what Late Night Live has
meant to you.
via ABC Radio Marketing
John Figliozzi
Halfmoon, NY

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