[Swprograms] WJHR on the air!
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[Swprograms] WJHR on the air!

** U S A. Dec 8 at 1434 UT I came upon a fire-and-brimstone preacher on 15550-USB, which has been an area rather vacant of signals this season, strangely enough. No carrier, pure USB. What could this be, WBCQ here instead of 15420 which clashes later with BBC? Typical sermon about resurrexion, etc., occasional murmers of assent from audience. Worx himself up into a lather periodically. 1445 suggests to start tithing with a quarter or a nickel tonight, then build up. 1450 becomes stronger needing attenuation to avoid pumping. 1451 some brief audio dropouts. 1455 fades a bit, start recording in case ID is coming up. 1501 preacher abruptly interrupted for hymn, which leads into ID as ``WJHR Radio International, Milton, Florida`` and asking for reports to wjhr @ usa.com 1502 resume same preacher in progress. Sounds like they have the rough produxion values of a WWRB. 1506 some music, 1510 more of preacher. Still going at 1520. This is the brand-new SW
station which has been in the making for some time, but we had seen no registration at all for this or any frequency from them. Now we know. And just what we need! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

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