Re: [Swprograms] BBCWS live debate
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Re: [Swprograms] BBCWS live debate

I hope BBC bus will visit other states, too. - Not just California.

Last UT morning (Tue.) BBC Russian carried a live "radio bridge" between Russian-speaking students at University of California in Berkley and their counterparts majoring in communications at Moscow State University. The subject: US presidential candidates. 

As you can guess, there was not much of a discussion. Out of a dozen US students only "two and a half" were for McCain. All Russians were pro-Obama with one female student being formerly pro-Clinton.

The student didn't really talk about "issues" besides the candidates' stand on Russia and the rest of the world. No race issue and no Sarah Palin were mentioned even though those are two main reasons why McCain is going to win (in my humble estimation).

They discussed a few unexpected topics, though. Like: is Russia so strong today because of eight years of Putin's presidency or eight years of... Bush? 

Talking about Georgia-Russia tensions a US student said somewhat dismissively that all McCain people are pro-Georgia but "we, intelligent people are for Russia." A Russian girl replied that unlike the US Russia never had any imperial tendencies. This really ticked off a host in London who interrupted her with a question, Ok but how did small Moscow Principality became the largest country in the world, then?

Despite a few technical glitches it was an entertaining discussion but I don't think listeners in Russia got very objective view of what's going on in the US. 

Here's an interesting news on how the world would vote in the US elections:

According to the Russian version of this article, the vast majority of Russians (75%) do not have a favorite candidate. 18% are for Obama and 7% - for McCain. Very different from NATO allies in "old Europe" where people display a strong preference for Obama.

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