Re: [Swprograms] So what are people listening to nowadays? And how are you listening?
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Re: [Swprograms] So what are people listening to nowadays? And how are you listening?

The bedside SW is tuned to Radio Taiwan International at 5950,
which I often fall asleep to, listening to their current
0200-0400 English stream to NA.  Being that bedside radio
(actually all my shortwave receivers in the house) is analogue
dial, I tend not to move it around much, fearing I won't get
back to a station again.  And also being that I tend to listen
to SW while falling asleep, I purposely find stations that are
on at least an hour or more, so I don't have to worry about
switching frequencies in my listening.

I still lament not being able to listen to the BBSWS that way,
as I used to for years.  If I had my choice, that would probably
be the one and only SW station I'd listen to, with some periodic
RNW thrown in.  (As I recently told RNW in their request for
comments, I'd be listening to them, instead of RTI, if only they
had evening English broadcasts to NA in the 0200-0400 timeslot;
their NA schedule has always been either too early in the
evening, when I have other evening things to do, or too late,
when I am already asleep.)

While I have high-speed cable internet at home and bookmarks set
aside in my various computer browsers at home and work to get
BBC 1-7, BBCWS, RNW, RA, and WRN, I rarely listen to them.  For
some reason, I just don't enjoy listening to these "stations"
via the Internet, nor do I listen to podcasts except to get the
occasional archived program that someone might suggest.
Static-free signals are not a quest for me - in fact, the fading
and static of shortwave actually, in my feeble mind, adds
"credibility" to the signal - the content, whatever it is, means
more to me knowing it came through the ether.  I often tune
around the MW broadcast band in the evenings for the same
reason.  Someday, when a standalone Wi-Fi receiver at the under
$139 price comes available, I might bite.  I've thought about
the C.Crane-type FM transmitters, but I also don't like the idea
of leaving my computer on just so I can listen to the BBCWS in
the next room or bedroom.  (I'm one of those rare people these
days who actually turns the computer off when it is not being
used.  Now if only I could convince my high school-aged kids to
do the same....)

Kevin Anderson, Age 48
Dubuque, IA

Kevin Anderson, Dubuque IA USA, K9IUA
k9iua (at) yahoo (dot) com

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