[Swprograms] Metal thieves knock Vancouver radio station off air]
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[Swprograms] Metal thieves knock Vancouver radio station off air]

	Expect more stations to be hit by such metal

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Subject: globeandmail.com: Metal thieves knock Vancouver radio station off air
X-URL: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/RTGAM.20070323.wvancradio0323/BNStory/Entertainment/home
Posted AT 1:48 AM EDT ON 23/03/07

Metal thieves knock Vancouver radio station off air

   Canadian Press

   VANCOUVER -- A Vancouver radio station was knocked off the air for
   several hours Thursday after thieves raided its transmitter, stealing
   copper and other metal.

   CFUN program director Stu Ferguson said the station went off the air
   around noon.

   "Vandals had broken into our transmitter and it appears they were
   after copper wire," he said. "They also stole some tools and stoles a
   generator and they cut through some lines."

   Ferguson said the talk-radio station's backup system didn't work
   because of the extent of the damage at the transmitter, which put the
   station off the air for more than four hours.

   "We are only broadcasting on the Internet right now," he said.

   Ferguson said the problem is frustrating and he had no estimate of how
   much it will cost to repair the damage.

   But Ferguson said CFUN will probably lose thousands of dollars in ad
   revenue as a result of being knocked off the air.

   On the bright side, he said the high volume of calls the station
   received gives some idea of how many people were listening.

   Ferguson said the break-in at the suburban Vancouver transmitter
   should be a warning to other stations to tighten security at their
   unstaffed facilities.

   "I would think that everyone in the media now has got to be thinking
   about this," he said. "We all have proper security on there but they
   just found a way to bust inside."

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