Re: [Swprograms] > ANNOUNCEMENT Details of a major CBC Radio announcement here tomorrow at 5pm ET
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Re: [Swprograms] > ANNOUNCEMENT Details of a major CBC Radio announcement here tomorrow at 5pm ET

> I assume TOMORROW is Thursday -- this line is showing up at
> which describes itself as,
> Inside the CBC is penned by CBC technology reporter Tod Maffin... Content
> here is neither reviewed nor approved by CBC management prior to posting.
> _______________________________________________

	That apologist twit.

	The Globe and Mail leaked it yesterday.
	Lite jazz, no classical piece over 3 minutes
	on Radio 2.

	More chat shows on Radio 1 like Freestyle.
	They are copying the Radio-Canada formula which
	destroyed the serious audience for Chaine culturelle, or
	now Espace Musique.

On newsgroup (google groups)
Subject: CBC 2 to be popularized
Date: Tue, 16 Jan 2007 21:32:39 GMT

Light is the word and the future is dumber

Sounds just like the decrepitiation of Espace Musique, the SRC second 
channel, two  years ago.  The listeners were very annoyed and tuned out to 
their music collections and downloads.  See second post below

Changes looming for CBC Radio

>From Tuesday's Globe and Mail 16 January 2007

CBC Radio Two will be playing more jazz and contemporary music, while Radio 
One is beefing up its arts programming.

Those are some of the changes said to be in the works at the two national 
networks, as the CBC continues to revamp its radio programming.

A detailed announcement to CBC staff about the programming changes is 
scheduled for tomorrow afternoon. Most of the changes are said to concern 
Radio Two.

According to insiders, the broad plan is to create even more of a distinction 
between the two networks in the minds of listeners, with Radio Two as the home 
for the CBC's music programs and Radio One primarily as the place for news and 

That's not to say Radio One won't have any music, one source said. But the 
idea is to create that clearer distinction.

Rumours of a Radio Two revamp have percolated for months, especially after 
Radio One's lineup was adjusted in late 2005. The latest round of changes are 
seen as a continuation of that process.

However, the obvious question is what this means for Radio One's music shows.

The new emphasis at Radio One in late 2005 was on introducing more programming 
-- such as the music and pop-culture chat show Freestyle -- that audiences 
might listen to at work or during their busy afternoons.

There was no confirmation from the CBC yesterday about the fate of Freestyle 
or other Radio One shows, other than an indication that Radio Two's changes 
may have a knock-on effect at Radio One.

Also, word with CBC Radio is that the programming changes won't take place for 
another two months or so.

Radio Two won't lose its emphasis on classical programming, insiders say. But 
there will probably be a broader feel to its range of music, which will 
include more jazz.

Yet the network is already more varied than some may think. For instance, it 
plays jazz on the program Jazz Beat on Sunday evenings, as well as rock and 
new music on the acclaimed Radio 3 show Saturday nights and world music on 
Roots and Wings on Sunday afternoons.

For many months, management has been asking staff for radio-programming and 
pilot ideas, and the CBC has had a formalized evaluation process in place, 
judging the pilot programs.


Radio 2 to change name 7 september, lessen classical music.
Date:           Wed, Sep 1 2004 10:34 pm
Email:          Dan Say <danielsayNOSP...@xxxxxxxxx>

in French [ Rough English machine-translation follows ]
Un article de Florence Meney

Votre oeil a peut-jtre dij` iti attiri par des panneaux
publicitaires rose vif vous invitant ` + Changer d'airs ! ; Tel
est le slogan d'Espace musique, la nouvelle channe musicale de
Radio-Canada, qui, dhs le 7 septembre, remplacera la difunte
Channe culturelle.

[Illustration: Deux des nouveaux animateurs d'Espace musique;
Claude Rajotte et Sophie Durocher.]

Cette nouvelle channe entihrement consacrie ` la musique a connu
une gestation extrjmement rapide, puisque sa grille a iti mise au
point en quatre mois, quatre mois de travail frinitique.

L'ancien et le nouveau
Musiques du monde, musiques imergentes, chanson populaire... le
milomane aura le choix. Aux cttis de certains animateurs de
l'ancienne Channe culturelle, on a fait une place ` plusieurs
nouvelles recrues et ` des animateurs de la Premihre Channe :
Chantal Jolis, Monique Giroux, Sophie Durocher, Dorothie

Claude Rajotte dirigera ses Rendez-vous iclectiques le vendredi et
un nouvelle formule, mais toujours pleinement
consacri aux musiques imergentes et actuelles de la schne locale
aussi bien que canadienne et internationale.

La chanteuse et comidienne Dorothie Berryman animera le volet jazz
de fin de semaine, tandis que Stanley Pian continuera ` nous
servir ce type de musique selon une formule plus disc-jockey.

Contre l'uniformisation du son
Sylvain Lafrance, vice-prisident de la Radio frangaise de
Radio-Canada, explique : + La radio publique ce n'est pas qu'un
hiritage, c'est aussi un projet... il faut jtre capable de
transformation, de mitamorphose, de s'adapter. ; La raison d'jtre
d'Espace musique : + ce sera un outil pour combattre
l'uniformisation du son ` la radio ;, dit Sylvain Lafrance, un
problhme selon lui non seulement canadien, mais mondial. + Le but
d'Espace musique est de mettre en valeur les criateurs canadiens,
c'est une channe vouie aux criateurs d'ici, ` tous les genres de
musique. ; + Actuellement, nous ne diffusons que 5 % de la
criation musicale et c'est dangereux pour une sociiti comme la
nttre. ;

Moins de classique
La proportion de classique diminuera au profit d'autres styles de
musique, mais elle demeurera prisente, par exemple pour les
petits matins de semaine avec Michel Keable, et le soir, du lundi
au jeudi, avec Frangoise Davoine et Mario Paquet.

+ En fait, 85% de la grille change, mais certains rendez-vous
demeurent ;, diclare Sylvain Lafrance. Conscient que ce
changement risque de diplaire ` une portion de l'auditoire de la
Channe culturelle, il se donne au moins deux ans pour conquirir
son public.  


An article of Florence Meney

Your eye was perhaps already attracted by billboards pink sharp
inviting you "To change d'airs! "Such is the slogan d'Espace
music, the new musical chain of Radio-Canada, which, as of
September 7, will replace the former Cultural Channe.

  [ Two of the new organizers d'Espace music; Claude Rajotte
    and Sophie Durocher. ]

This new channel is entirely devoted to the music saw an extremely
fast gestation, since its grid was developed in four months, four
months of frantic work.

The old and thew new

The Musics of the world, emergent musics, popular song... the
music lover will have the choice. At the sides of certain
organizers of l ancian Chains cultural, one made a place with
several new recruits and organizers of the First Chain: Chantal
Jolis, Monique Giroux, Sophie Durocher, Dorothie Berryman...

Claude Rajotte will direct its Go eclectic Friday and news formulates, but always fully devoted to the
emergent and current musics of the local scene as well as
Canadian and international.

The singer and actress Dorothie Berryman will animate the shutter
jazz of weekend, while Stanley Pian will continue to be used this
type to us as music according to a formula plus disc jockey.

Against the uniformisation of sound

Sylvain Lafrance, vice-president of French-language Radio of
Radio-Canada, explains: "the public radio this n'est not qu'un
heritage, c'est also a project... it is necessary to be capable
of transformation, metamorphosis, s'adapter." the reason d'jtre
d'Espace music: "it will be a tool to fight the uniformisation of
the sound in the radio", acknowledged Sylvain Lafrance, a problem
according to him not only Canadian, but world "the goal d'Espace
music is to emphasize the Canadian creators, c'est a chain
dedicated to the creators d'ici, all the kinds of music"
"Currently, we diffuse only 5 % of musical creation and c'est
dangerous for a company like ours"

Less traditional  

The proportion of traditional classical music will decrease with
the profit d'autres styles of music, but it will remain present,
for example for the early mornings of week with Michel Keable,
and the evening, of Monday at Thursday, with Francoise Davoine
and Mario Paquet.

"makes some, 85% of the grid changes, but some appointment
remain", declares Sylvain Lafrance. Conscious that this change is
likely to displease with a portion l'auditoire cultural Chain, it
is given at least two years to conquer its public. 

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