Re: [Swprograms] RCI Sked
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Re: [Swprograms] RCI Sked

** CANADA. The new RCI pdf schedule does not make this clear, but altho Maple
Leaf Mailbag now occupies what had been the first hour of CBC`s Sunday Edition,
time-shifted now to 1400+ UT on 9515, 13655, 17820, the first hour of Sunday
Edition is not lost to SW listeners, instead the final hour; for at 1511 on
9515, 13655 and 17820, Michael Enright was welcoming us to the first hour of
the show, as RCI was taking the Central timezone feed instead of the Eastern.

Maple Leaf Mailbag was already starting at 1404 Oct 29 giving address for the
show. Rechecked at 1429, Bill Westenhaver was on, trying to convey the new RCI
frequency schedule with frequent interruptions by the hosts. Bill mentioned
that he is on the French equivalent, Courrier Mondiale, every week.

One could also hear Hour I of The Sunday Edition, starting at 1411 on the CBCNQ
service, 9625, usual marginal signal, with a SAH, but no other sound audible

** CANADA. As of Oct 30 at 1650 UT, RCI still hasn`t posted its new B-06
schedules at and I am also wondering
about RCI-1 webcast programming for purposes of updating MONITORING REMINDERS
CALENDAR --- all I can do for the moment is delete previous entries which are
bound to be outdated.

We were sent the B-06 schedule in PDF, however, but it is not (yet?) totally
correct as to when CBC programs are running and when RCI programs replace them.
Monday Oct 30 the 14-17 UT transmission did not contain The Links for the first
two hours, but instead as in A-06, the final 2/3 of The Current, and all of
Sounds Like Canada, from CBC, as I found out when I tuned in at 1419 on 9515,
13655 and new 17820, which as usual in the B-seasons no longer has that
collision with DW on 17800. But the ax still hangs over these two programs, in
case RCI has simply not got around to starting its new Link magazines on the
first weekday of the new season.

The harmonica fill-music has survived the seasonal transition, too, heard at
1430 for less than a minute, then a promo for a new sesquimonth contest, see [as below]

The news at 1500, however was from RCI, not CBC. I really don`t see why they
bother. 1506 back to SLC. At 1547 for a semiminute 13655 dumped off the air
just as there was in interesting discussion with a Montrealer who says he runs
into some of the 100,000 Haitians there frequently and speaks Creole with them.
Quick switch to 17820. 13655 dumps off the air again, this time for a full
minute, at 1552. 1604 concluding ``CBC National Radio News``, 1605 harmonica,
1606 final hour of SLC.

Meanwhile, I was checking what was happening on CBC NQ 9625. At 1501 there was
CBC News while RCI frequencies were running RCI News. At 1522 all were // with

Earliler, while scanning the 19mb at 1443 I heard something other than English
on 15240, scheduled as the R. Sweden relay. Swedish? Certainly not. Lappish?
No, but something close --- Inuktituk, mentioning Inuit! 

Yes, it was // 9625, and Sackville was running the NQ Service on 15240 instead
of R. Sweden, which of course has just shifted one UT hour later [see SWEDEN].
The DST/ST time changes for R. Sweden via Sackville never go smoothly. This
continued on 15240 until 1459* with of course a much better signal than we get
on 9625, tho there was splash from the neighboring Sackville transmitter on
15230 relaying CRI, another bad idea. 

At 1442, I had found a roughly equal collision of CRI in English via Sackville,
and RHC in Spanish on 15230. Awful unlistenable mix, but hey, commies vs
commies! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CANADA. Here are some details of the contest promoted on RCI, but forget
about it if you are not a Canadian citizen!

``Conditions: Participants must be Canadian citizens and between the age of 18
and 30 when they register for the contest. The contest ends November 30, 2006.
The two grand prize winners and ten finalists will be announced during
International Development Week in February 2007. For complete contest rules,
click here.

Prizes --- Two grand prizes --- The two participants whose entries are judged
as best by the jury will win a one-week familiarization trip, in the Spring of
2007, to a developing country where Développement international Desjardins
(DID) experts in technical support and investment are working. A $15,000
DID sponsored a previous contest promoted on RCI, but almost all the winners
were in Québec, so publicizing it around the world on shortwave was pointless
and fruitless. There is also an RCI staff member named Desjardins, any
relation? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

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