[Swprograms] BPL in the Hudson Valley Area courtesy ARRL Hudson Division 'Beacon'
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[Swprograms] BPL in the Hudson Valley Area courtesy ARRL Hudson Division 'Beacon'

Just received my email issue of the latest ARRL Hudson Division 'Beacon' with a report on BPL




Yes it is here!  NNJ is lucky.  No BPL tests there, yet.  But it is a
different story in New York.  Briacliff Manaor continues to be a
problem as the small test site there remains out of compliance despite
constant and repeated complaints from ARRL. (You did ask your
congressman to co sponsor H. Res. 230.?)  That may be our sole chance
to get the FCC to revisit their flawed BPL regulations and
implementation of them.) There is supposed to be a test site in
Manhattan at one apartment site.  We are not sure if it has yet gone
active.  Freeport is reported to have filed for a test.  Then there is
the planned LIPA test in Commack/Hauppague involving some 105 business
and residences.  LIPA will shortly announce who they will award the
contract to for the test.

A BIG THANKS to all the LI ARRL members who became involved and wrote
letters to LIPA officials and others.  It paid off!  We have had a very
positive response from LIPA chairman, Richard Kessel, who I am told was
a ham while in high school.  We are in the process of arranging a
meeting with LIPA technical staff and our BPL team and Ed Hare, W1RFI. 
As a result of those letters and some behind the scenes work on the
part of five LI hams who knew LIPA board members we have made contact
with LIPA technical staff and are in the process of setting up a
meeting with them before May 15th.   Your letters proved to LIPA that
there was a lot of concern among hams who are also LIPA rate payers. 
We might not have been successful in getting a meeting without those

I have asked ARRL Assistant Director, Richard Rosner, N2STU, to chair
our Division BPL effort.  Rich is a PE, an electrical engineer and a
master electrician who will coordinate the effort to monitor the
various test sites in the division and lead the teams which will work
with the various utilities to make sure they deploy systems that are
ham friendly.  While we are not out to stop BPL in its tracks, we do
want utilities to employ a technology that is not going to pollute our
precious RF spectrum.

If you are not sure what BPL is please visit the ARRL web site where
there is a wealth of information -


Ed Hare, W1RFI,  ARRL's Lab Director has organized a massive amount of
information there.  It's actually "BPL 101" and you should get college
credit if you read all the technical information there.  The video and
recording are very interesting.

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