[Swprograms] Lords Select Committee on BBC World Service
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[Swprograms] Lords Select Committee on BBC World Service

The House of Lords Select Committee has today
published its Second Report on the BBC Charter Review.
The entire report is available online, and of
particular interest to readers of this Weblog will be
the Committee's recommendations on the BBC World

* We recommend that under no circumstances should the
BBC World Service be allowed to be treated or seen as
a "tool" of public diplomacy or of governmental goals.
Everything should be done to protect the editorial
independence on which its reputation depends.

* We do not believe it is appropriate for a
representative of the BBC World Service to serve
either as a member or as an observer on a board
chaired by an FCO [Foreign and Commonwealth Office]
Minister under the proposed definition of public
diplomacy. We are also against the proposal that BBC
staff should be employed by a Government management
unit. The independence of the BBC World Service could
be compromised by the closeness of the relationship
proposed by Lord Carter's review.
* A 12 hour limit on the Arabic language news
channel's broadcasting time will mean the BBC
competing for audiences with one hand tied behind its
back. We recommend that the Government should
immediately provide the BBC World Service with the
required £6 million to establish a 24 hour Arabic

* We therefore recommend that the BBC should
comprehensively review its international activities
and that a strategy outlining the future of its public
and commercial television, radio and online services
used overseas be published.

* We recommend that as part of the comprehensive
review of the BBC's international services the BBC
World Service should continue to consider the need to
provide television services beyond the Arabic language
service. Further expansion may prove to be important
but should not be dependent on cuts to existing radio
services. (Media Network)

Page with links to pdf and online copies of 2nd
report, Further Issues for BBC Charter Review and
links to oral evidence:


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