Re: [Swprograms] Digital Radio--Yes or No?
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Re: [Swprograms] Digital Radio--Yes or No?

Good link -- I would add that availability is also important.  Perhaps
it's a 75/25 split between content and availability.

That's the point that's been made here & on the ODXA group regarding
satellite radio.  Sure, the content is available elsewhere, but not in
a form that is readily portable in real-time.  Not until WiMAX and
son-of-WiMAX become reality.

Availability is also a source of consumer value-add.

What Rudolph and others did not say -- but should have -- is that a
form of broadcasting that is cheaper for the broadcaster, but has no
intrinsic listener benefit, won't fly unless the broadcaster gives the
listener the cost savings.

That is one of the key problems with Digital Radio Mondiale.  It is
expensive for the listener.  Here in North America it does not improve
audio availability.  Yes it improves audio quality, but that's of
interest only to the fringe element anyway.

Richard Cuff / Allentown, PA  USA

On 12/7/05, Peter Bowen <peter.bowen@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Here is something that may be of interest. I especially like the
> comments of Axel Rudolph

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