Re: [Swprograms] Role of public broadcasters
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Re: [Swprograms] Role of public broadcasters

Good observations here.  This gets back to the whole "content vs.
transmission" debate, just using better words.

While fans of radio won't like this observation, radio can been seen
as the culprit in this distribution debate -- because it costs as much
to put out a 10kw signal if 10 people listen as it does if 1 million
people listen.  To reach a younger audience, one has to use other
means than "just" radio, because said younger audience listens to the
radio less than their older bretheren.  You could look it up..

Paradoxically, this  "happy medium" Ricky hopes for can be seen as the
crux of the CBC lockout debate.  Management, recognizing the higher
distribution costs required, then look to find more "efficient" ways
to do everything -- from reducing those distribution costs (i.e. get
someone like Sirius to do that for you) to reducing production costs
for storytelling -- i.e. "improve productivity" or get by for less. 
This is becuase no one will give them more money without a fight.  And
it's the change in status quo that comes with techniques for reducing
production costs -- for example, by making it easier to terminate
people or change their duties by making them contract workers vs.
salaried, seemingly tenured, workers -- that appears to be the
lightning rod for the lockout.

I agree with Maffin.

Richard Cuff / Allentown, PA  USA

On 9/14/05, Ricky Leong <rleong@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> I'd like to share this message from Tod Maffin, a locked-out CBC employee. It is
> from his widely-viewed website "CBC Unplugged":
> "Public broadcasters need to rethink their model for content distribution.

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