[Swprograms] RA Previews #838; 3-5 Sep '05
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[Swprograms] RA Previews #838; 3-5 Sep '05

Edition 838
September 3-5, 2005

Days and times are in UTC. An * indicates that a program is produced by
Radio Australia. All others are produced by Radio National or by other
ABC Radio networks as indicated. Further information about these
programs, as well as transcripts and on-demand audio files of
particular programs, and a wealth of supporting information can be
obtained from<http://www.abc.net.au>. Additional information and a key
to abbreviations and symbols used appear at the bottom of the page.


(RA or ABC News every hour on the hour.)


0005 -
          ASIA PACIFIC REVIEW* - interviews and reports from the region.
0030 -
          AUSTRALIAN EXPRESS* - stories from and about Australia with  
Roger Broadbent. This week, Roger invites you to the first of four  
programmes in which he looks back over sixty broadcasts to revisit  
just a few of the over 200 stories he’s featured since March 2004.  
This week there’s a visit to a college in Western Australia where  
budding rock stars find out if its really something they want to do …  
it may not all be quite as romantic and exciting as it looks. That  
was the very first item in the very first programme.  A couple of  
weeks later the Australian Express celebrated an anniversary -  70  
years ago the ABC sent its first and presumably its finest  
journalists into the field to report from some of the most troubled  
places on earth. We eves-dropped on a forum that brought together a  
panel of journalists as they debated the issue - just how important  
is it for world events to be seen and reported through Australian  
eyes? And to round things off we go BASE jumping.

0105 -
          PACIFIC REVIEW* - the week that was in the Pacific. [T;%]
          ASIA PACIFIC BUSINESS* - a weekly wrap-up of finance and
corporate news from the region.

0210 -
          GRANDSTAND - Live sports from around Australia with an  
emphasis on matches in the Australian (Rules) Football League. This  
week: It's playoff time in the AFL! Elimination Final - Geelong v  
Melbourne from the MCG. (from ABC Local Radio.) <abc.net.au/ 
grandstand/> is the program's website.

0805 -
          ASIA PACIFIC REVIEW* (refer to Fri. 2305)
0830 -
          HIT MIX* - the Australian music scene with Brandon Telfer.

0910 -
          GRANDSTAND WRAP - Summarizing the day's sporting activities in
Australia and around the world. (from ABC Local Radio)
0930 -
          JAZZ NOTES* - Australian jazz with Ian Lloyd.

1005 -
         ASIA PACIFIC BUSINESS* (refer to 0130)
1020 -
         TALKING POINT* - interviews.
1035 -
         VERBATIM - the story of the 20th century through the voices  
of ordinary Australians. This week: "The Gentles".
Bands like Spiderbait, Uncanny X-Men, Eurogliders and Daddy Cool have  
all at some stage stayed in Kevin and Jo Gentle's low-budget  
accommodation at Bondi Beach. Over most of the 20th century the  
Gentles observed the changing tourism trends at Bondi, along the way  
raising ten children and developing a philosophy of tolerance. Hear  
their stories – and the music. [T;%]

1105 -
          ASIA PACIFIC REVIEW* (refer to Fri. 2305)
1130 -
          ALL IN THE MIND - the mind, brain and behaviour with  
Natasha Mitchell. This week: "Life on Ice--Behind the Psychology of  
Infertility". Gretchen Miller talks to two fertility counsellors  
about the ethical and emotional confrontations in their work with  
infertility. [T;%]

1205 -
          CORRESPONDENT'S NOTEBOOK* - An ABC overseas reporter  
provides a more personal view of one of the week's major events.  
<abc.net.au/ra/notebook/> for details. [T;%]
1210 -
          SATURDAY NIGHT COUNTRY - with John Nutting. This week: We  
meet BOBBY CASH and launch his new album world wide. Bobby joins me  
in our SNC studio. And we hear the second part of our studio  
interview with Kris Kristofferson recorded on his recent Australian  
tour. [T;%] (from ABC Local Radio)

1605 -
          MARGARET THROSBY INTERVIEW - in conversation with a special  
playing their favourite music and telling their own stories.
<abc.net.au/classic/throsby> for details. [%]

1705 -
          THE BEST OF LATE NIGHT LIVE - - a repeat broadcast of one of
the programs from the past week. <abc.net.au/rn/talks/lnl/> for details.

1805 -
          THE EUROPEANS - broader historical and cultural  
perspectives on European societies with Keri Phillips.  This week:  
"The Bombing of Wielun". World War II began with the German assault  
on the Polish port of Gdansk, on 1 September, 1939. Now we discover  
that it started even earlier that morning, with the aerial  
bombardment of the defenceless city of Wielun, killing 1200  
civilians. [T;%]
1830 -
          HIT MIX* (refer to 0830)

1905 -
          CORRESPONDENTS' REPORT - The ABC's overseas reporters
analyze and interpret the week's major events. <abc.net.au/
correspondents/> for details. [T;%]
1930 -
          AUSTRALIA ALL OVER - Ian "Macca" MacNamara speaks with
Australians from all walks of life and relishes the chance to travel
the country. Every Sunday morning, some 2 million listeners from
every corner of Australia tune in for their weekly dose of Macca's
Australia. Wherever you are, whatever the time, why not join them on-
line or on-air. [%]
(from ABC Local Radio)

2030 -
2041 -
          AUSTRALIA ALL OVER (continues)

2105 -
          PERSPECTIVE - informed commentary.
2110 -
          AUSTRALIA ALL OVER (continues)
2145 -
          RA NEWS*
2150 -
          CORRESPONDENT'S NOTEBOOK* (refer to 1205)

2200 -
          AUSTRALIA ALL OVER (continues)

2305 -
          CORRESPONDENTS' REPORT (refer to 1905)
2330 -
          INNOVATIONS* - A showcase of Australian design,  
discoveries, invention, engineering and research skills with Desley  
Blanch. This week, detecting and fighting blindness in remote  
communities  with a portable retinal camera; making clean drinking  
water with cow dung and how wallaby research may have implications  
for human health. [T;%]


0005 -
          BACKGROUND BRIEFING - Radio National's agenda setting,
current affairs radio documentary. This week: "BioWar".
America has beefed up biological weapon research by US$6 billion;
11,000 people now have hands-on access to virulent biological
agents. Scientists and analysts question the sanity of this strategy,
especially as it has been established that the anthrax used in the
biological attacks following September 11 was made in a US military
facility. [T;%]
0055 -
          PERSPECTIVE* - expert commentary

0105 -
          THE SPIRIT OF THINGS - an exploration of contemporary values
and beliefs as expressed through ritual, art, music, and sacred texts
with Rachael Kohn. This week: "Uncommon Powers".
Forensic medium Allison DuBois has helped to solve murders for
the FBI. But her main claim to fame is the TV program Medium,
based on her life. In this candid conversation she talks about
her life and her ‘genetic gift’. [T;%]

0210 -
          GRANDSTAND - Live sports from around Australia with an  
emphasis on today's National Rugby League (NRL) matches. (from ABC  
Local Radio.)  <abc.net.au/grandstand/> is the program's website.

0805 -
          CORRESPONDENTS' REPORT (refer to Sat. 1905)
0830 -
          INNOVATIONS* (refer to Sat. 2330)

0910 -
          GRANDSTAND WRAP - Summarizing the day's sporting activities in
Australia and around the world. (from ABC Local Radio)
0930 -
University of the South Pacific in Fiji earlier this year and  
launched in 1970 in memory of the late Mr. Ray Parkinson, the  
lectures provide a forum for raising public awareness and debate on  
important development issues. The theme for this year's series is   
"Breaking the Poverty
Cycle". Program #4 features entrepreneurs and community leaders who  
have broken out of poverty or are helping others make the break.

1005 -
           THE MUSIC SHOW - a mix of music, interviews and  
information about the latest developments in music, hosted by  
composer Andrew Ford. This week: All manner of operatic things;  
director Jim Sharman, whose production of Britten's 'Death in Venice'  
is about to commence in Sydney; conductor of that production, and  
music director of Opera Australia Richard Hickox; two counter tenors  
closely associated with 'Death in Venice' and the operas of Handel:  
Graeme Pushee and Michael Chance; and for the piece de resistance:  
veteran singer-songwriter Eric Bogle sings a new song, and talks  
about an old one- and sings that too. [%]

1205 -
          SUNDAY PROFILE - Monica Attard talks to the people in the news
about the news. <abc.net.au/sundayprofile/> for details. [T;%]
1230 -
          SPEAKING OUT - radio about Aboriginal and Torres Strait  
Islander people. This week: "Black Rockin' Beats". Music showcase  
featuring Groote Eylandt Children, MC Murriz, Blekbala Mujik and  
more. [%]

1305 -
          ENCOUNTER - exploring the connections between religion and  
life. This week: "The Triumph of Avarice". Greed was once thought to  
be the mother of all sins. Today, we don't call it 'greed', we call  
it 'enlightened self-interest', and some economists consider it a  
virtue. Has avarice replaced spiritual wealth with a meaningless  
drive to acquire? [%]
1355 -
          CORRESPONDENT'S NOTEBOOK (refer to Sat. 1205)

1405 -
          THE SCIENCE SHOW - with Robyn Williams. This week: "What  
Happens to the Whistleblowers?" Over thirty years of broadcasting the  
Science Show has exposed many irregular activities at our  
universities and research institutions, from the accusations of  
scientific fraud directed at Dr William McBride to the more recent  
turbulence around Dr Bruce Hall. They have had remarkable  
repercussions and won Norman Swan some of the highest awards in  
journalism. But would he do it again? And what happens to those who  
blow the whistle? [T;%]

1505 -
      THE NATIONAL INTEREST - Terry Lane looks at the major issues of  
the week. This week: "The Brogden affair/ Queensland's other new  
Senator/ The CSIRO washing machine". Political journalist Andrew West  
discusses the Brogden affair, media ethics and factionalism in the  
NSW Liberal Party. Also the 'other' new Senator from Queensland. The  
Nationals Barnaby Joyce has been grabbing the headlines but it was  
Liberal Senator Russell Trood who gave the Coalition its upper house  
majority. Dr Trood is an interational relations specialist and he  
joins Terry to talk about globalisation, terrorism and Australia's  
place in the world. Finally, research by the CSIRO to make a better  
washing machine and keep Australia's whitegoods manufacturers viable  

1605 -
      MARGARET THROSBY INTERVIEW - in conversation with a special guest,
playing their favourite music and telling their own stories.
<abc.net.au/classic/throsby> for details. [%]

1705 -
         IN THE LOOP* - highlights from last Thursday's 2330 broadcast.
1730 -
         THE SPORTS FACTOR - debating and celebrating the cultural  
significance of sport with Mick O'Regan. This week: "Lowdown on the  
Rub Down". It's massage week and all round the nation sports people  
are putting themselves in the hands of someone with a firm grip on  
their health. [T;%]

1810 -
          PACIFIC BEAT* - focusing on the island nations which depend on
the Pacific Ocean for their existence, drawing on Australian based
reporters and correspondents throughout the region. With SPORT at :29.

2110 -
          AM - ABC Radio's morning news magazine. [T;%]
2131 -
          DATELINE PACIFIC - a round-up of the very latest news from
the Pacific with interviews and features with all the region's
newsmakers, drawing on the work of RNZI staff and 20 Pacific
journalists from around the region. <rnzi.com> for details. [from RNZI]

2210 -
          AM (refer to 2110)
2240 -
          TALKING POINT - interviews covering a diverse range of
2255 -
          PERSPECTIVE* (refer to Sat. 1655)

2305 -
          ASIA PACIFIC* - interviews and reports from the region. (T;%>
2330 -
          IN THE LOOP* - Radio Australia's new two hour morning show
celebrates the cultures and peoples of the Pacific. Each day the
programme highlights the trends, opportunities and challenges the
21st century brings for the region.


0130 -
          ASIA PACIFIC* (refer to Sun. 2305)

0210 -
          THE WORLD TODAY - a comprehensive current affairs program  
backgrounds, analyses, interprets and encourages debate on events and
issues of interest and importance to all Australians. (includes a

0305 -
0315 -
          IN CONVERSATION - about scientific matters. This week:  
"Sceptical On Warming". Geologist Professor Bob Carter of James Cook  
University talks about a massive ocean drilling scheme that’s  
revealing priceless information about climate history. Why has  
Australia left the scheme? [%]
0331 -
          HEALTH REPORT - with Dr. Norman Swan. This week: "Cancer  
Screening, Benefits and Harms." Part 3. The final part of this series  
looks at the forces driving cancer screening and at some new and  
interesting ideas about how people
might make their own decision about which cancers, if any, they want  
to be screened for. [T;%]

0405 -
          BIG IDEAS - lectures, conversations, features and special  
series from Australia and around the world. This week: "Music And  
Fashion--#5 - The Colour Of Money. Sound recordings, radio and  
television have completely changed the way we hear music. They've  
also affected our responses. For one thing, fashions move in and out  
of our lives faster than ever before. An instant hit in January is  
seldom a hit in June. In the 1940s, classical music was part of  
mainstream radio. The expression 'popular classics' wasn't an  
oxymoron. But as commercial music became multinational, not only  
classical music but also jazz lost its popularity. Could we possibly  
be witnessing the death throes of certain types of music, simply  
because powerful corporations have convinced us they are  
unfashionable? [T;%]

0510 -
          PACIFIC BEAT* - focuses in on the island nations which  
depend on the Pacific Ocean for their existence drawing on Australian  
reporters and correspondents based throughout the region. [T;%]


How to Listen to Radio Australia----
Via shortwave:
Best as noted in eastern North America -
2100 - 2300 UTC:  15515
2200 - 0000 UTC:  21740
0000 - 0200 UTC:  17715 (17795 also noted)
0200 - 0900 UTC:  15515 (15160 also noted at times)
0700 - 1400 UTC:   9580 (9590 also noted at times)
1400 - 1600 UTC:   9590 (until fade out)
(Listeners are invited to report reception experience to this editor.)
(Complete worldwide schedule from

Via Internet audio streaming:
from http://www.abc.net.au/ra/tuning/web.htm

Via World Radio Network:
Via CBC Overnight:
Via satellite:
consult <http://www.abc.net.au/ra/hear/america.htm>
Via the Mobile Broadcast Network, which offers WRN

Symbols Used:
Within brackets by each program listing, % denotes that the listed
program is available as an on-demand audio file via the Internet. T
indicates that a printed transcript of the program is available via the
RA or via an ABC domestic network Internet site. Consult
<http://www.abc.net.au/streaming/audiovideo.htm> or the particular
program's web page.

To be updated by 0500 UT Mon.

Good Listening!
John Figliozzi
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