[Swprograms] SW Talk-Shows & Reality
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[Swprograms] SW Talk-Shows & Reality

Has anyone been monitoring the range of SW talk show people
who had all along been predicting the downfall of civilization in
circumstances like Y2K or nationwide economic collapse and how
they are addressing the post-Katrina situation, and especially the
events in New Orleans? I'm wondering if they are crowing with a
"we told you so" attitude or are projecting a different viewpoint.

One specific example that comes to mind is that I repeatedly
heard dire warnings in past years that FEMA had all these sinister
plans for "camps" in which the dissidents and resisters would be
imprisoned; well, now we NEED those camps for the refugees
and no one seems to have them, or any prospect for quick
construction of such facilities. We're using sports stadia and
other inappropriate buildings instead. The nearest to this has
been an on-air mention that the San Antonio area has a lot of
military bases and thus might be able to set up a lot of tents
fairly quickly, but this wasn't official and more of a supposition
than a plan.

I wouldn't be surprised if there were not many such tents
available; I'm sure the vast majority of such supplies are in use
in Iraq and Afghanistan. Military resources are stretched thin
now anyway. To cope with this disaster in a large but limited
area of the country may well be beyond our actual capabilities,
and thus give the lie to the idea that the sinister government
conspiracies could take over the entire nation and enforce
martial law and repression.

How are James Lloyd and the "Christian Media" people in their
compound up in Oregon addressing this? Their SW transmissions
were reduced in time over recent months and I haven't heard
much from them, due I suppose to listening-time conflicts. It's
also a little hard to wade thru the uninteresting parts and the
irritating speaking style to extract some meat from the rhetoric.

73, Will

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