Re: [Swprograms] What do you listen to from America's "non-public"SW broadcasters?
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Re: [Swprograms] What do you listen to from America's "non-public"SW broadcasters?

I too, like David, enjoy listening to Unshackled on WYFR each
week. If I miss the show via Shortwave I have a bookmark to
their website to listen on-line.
On WWCR I listen weekly to the DX block and on WBCQ I listen to
Allan Weiner Worldwide, Radio TimTron, Lost Disks Radio Show, The Michael
Ketter Show, The Lumpy Gravy Radio Show and Radio NewYork International.
The best show: Tasha Takes Control is no longer on and I miss it very much.
On WHRI I enjoy Cumbre DX with the Pirate Report.
jim strader
rock village, massachusetts, usa
 ----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2005 9:36 PM
Subject: Re: [Swprograms] What do you listen to from America's "non-public"SW broadcasters?

I like hearing Unshackled on WYFR. This show is an authentic throwback
to the days of commercial radio drama. It's been airing since 1951, and
the Pacific Garden Mission started the program as a way to reach a
commercial radio audience. I believe it was initially aired live on
WGN. The program was started by professional radio drama actors, and
after some early mishaps with Christian non-actors playing certain
roles, PGM has made it a point of pride to use professional actors
regardless of their belief. They have quite a pool of actors to draw
from for the weekly Saturday tapings, many of whom are regulars of the
Chicago theater scene.

Other highlights of the show include live music cues played by a
rotating team of two organists, a live sound effects man, and some
staff members that have been around for almost the whole run. I was
fortunate to attend a performance about four years ago, and it was a
very memorable experience, and I was well treated by the Unshackled

On Jul 12, 2005, at 4:48 PM, Richard Cuff wrote:

> I am working on my August NASWA Journal column, and I'd like to
> mention programming suggestions on America's SW broadcasters.
> I tend not to listen all that often myself -- I tend to favor the
> documentaries and analysis programs on the traditional public-service
> broadcasters -- but I'd like to summarize any suggestions folks have
> here regarding their favorites on WHRI / WHRA / WBCQ / WWCR / WWRB /
> WRMI and the others.
> Thanks -
> Richard
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