[Swprograms] Programmes I Like (#2)
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[Swprograms] Programmes I Like (#2)

"Rural Reporter"--ABC Radio National:

Here's a technicolour programme about a technicolour country.

Rural Reporter, presented by Ruth Archer, is a magazine-style
programme of approximately 28 minutes. Stories from regional and rural
Australia are its focus.

At the start of each edition, the presenter provides a menu, or
billboard, of the items to come. This allows the listener to determine
if there is anything of interest in that particular edition. Then
follow 5 packaged reports from the ABC's vast network of reporters in
various towns and districts all over the country.

These packages are comprised of interviews, discussions, and
explanations of the item or event being covered. In addition, there is
usually ambient sounds of the location from which the reporter speaks.
These local sounds provide an important element of colour, context,
and "feel" for the story.

Report topics are frequently agricultural in nature, due to the remit
of the programme and the nature of the Australian countryside. Also
covered are non-agricultural events in small-town Australia. There are
usually one or two reports of a fun, or whimsical, nature.

Stories come from several states (Western Australia is the
least-favoured), with the transitions being seamless and fluid. It is 
often difficult to determine when one report ends and another one

Rural Reporter is a fun and entertaining programme, providing an
enjoyable means by which to learn more about the people and places of
Australia. It is great to have reports from the field, rather than
interviews in studio or via the phone.

This is a programme not only for those interested in Australia, but
also for all who enjoy the off-beat, and sometimes quirky, life of
ordinary people.

Website:  http://www.abc.net.au/rural/reporter/default.htm

Email:      <rural@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

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