[Swprograms] RA Previews #812; 28-30 May '05
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[Swprograms] RA Previews #812; 28-30 May '05

Edition 812
May 28-30, 2005

Days and times are in UTC. An * indicates that a program is produced by
Radio Australia. All others are produced by Radio National or by other
ABC Radio networks as indicated. Further information about these
programs, as well as transcripts and on-demand audio files of
particular programs, and a wealth of supporting information can be
obtained from<http://www.abc.net.au>. Additional information and a key
to abbreviations and symbols used appear at the bottom of the page.


(RA or ABC News every hour on the hour.)


0005 -
	ASIA PACIFIC REVIEW* - interviews and reports from the region. [T;%]
0030 -
	AUSTRALIAN EXPRESS* - stories from and about Australia with Roger 
Broadbent. This week: We go on safari. We’re looking for a Thylacine, 
or as it’s better known, the ‘Tasmanian Tiger’. But could it be a wild 
goose chase...does the Thylacine still exist? Someone seems to think 
so. They’ve offered a three million dollar reward to the first person 
to capture one alive. Our safari also takes us to Western Australia in 
search of the purest, tastiest and healthiest food around. We visit 
‘Holy Smoke’ a company dedicated to tittilating our taste buds. And a 
medical unit established with Australian support after the Bali 
bombings to treat burns victims is to be expanded to tackle another 
major medical problem. An Australian doctor explains this under 
utilised facility will treat children with cleft lips and palates.

0105 -
	PACIFIC REVIEW* - the week that was in the Pacific. [T;%]
	ASIA PACIFIC BUSINESS* - a weekly wrap-up of finance and
corporate news from the region.

0210 -
	GRANDSTAND - Live sports from around Australia with an emphasis on 
matches in the Australian (Rules) Football League (AFL) including 
Geelong v Fremantle, plus reports from Hawthorn v Collingwood. (from 
ABC Local Radio.) <abc.net.au/grandstand/> is the program's website.
0805 -
	ASIA PACIFIC REVIEW* (refer to Fri. 2305)
0830 -
	HIT MIX* - the Australian music scene with Brandon Telfer.

0910 -
	GRANDSTAND WRAP - Summarizing the day's sporting activities in
Australia and around the world. (from ABC Local Radio)
0930 -
	JAZZ NOTES* - Australian jazz with Ian Lloyd.

1005 -
	ASIA PACIFIC BUSINESS* (refer to 0130)
1020 -
	TALKING POINT* - interviews.
1035 -
	VERBATIM - the story of the 20th century through the voices of 
ordinary Australians. This week: "Neil Bedford".  In 1942, 
seventeen-year-old Neil Bedford became the first female cadet at the 
Sydney Morning Herald to cover general news. Neil takes us inside the 
offices of a major daily newspaper, and remembers being young and in 
love in wartime Sydney. [T;%]

1105 -
	ASIA PACIFIC REVIEW* (refer to Fri. 2305)
1130 -
	ALL IN THE MIND - the mind, brain and behaviour with Natasha Mitchell. 
This week: "Healing Genocidal Trauma--North Meets South". Cambodia 
under Pol Pot was a country under the reign of true terror. The UN has 
finally confirmed the international tribunal which will put key 
surviving Khmer Rouge on trial. But a global leader in post conflict 
mental health contests the belief that such tribunals and truth 
commissions promote individual healing, calling it a 'complete 
fantasy'. Do they promote social catharthis, or open fresh wounds, in 
the absence of real change? Natasha Mitchell is also joined by one of 
the country's first psychiatrists, with inspirational and wretching 
stories of today's Cambodia. [T;%]

1205 -
	CORRESPONDENT'S NOTEBOOK* - An ABC overseas reporter provides a more
personal view of one of the week's major events. 
<abc.net.au/ra/notebook/> for details. [T;%]
1210 -
	SATURDAY NIGHT COUNTRY - with John Nutting. This week: a man we know 
of as a legend in Australia, a man who has been in the buisness of show 
for nearly seven decades, joins Johnno. That legend is Smoky Dawson. 
There's a three CD box set spanning the latter part of his recording 
career and we will show case that on SNC. Camille Te Nahu and Stuie 
French have an album out in July we also show case that as both Camille 
and Stuie join us in the SNC studio. [T;%]  (from ABC Local Radio)

1605 -
	MARGARET THROSBY INTERVIEW - in conversation with a special guest,
playing their favourite music and telling their own stories. 
<abc.net.au/classic/throsby> for details. [%]

1705 -
	THE BEST OF LATE NIGHT LIVE - - a repeat broadcast of one of the
programs from the past week. <abc.net.au/rn/talks/lnl/> for details.

1805 -
	THE EUROPEANS - broader historical and cultural perspectives on 
European societies with Keri Phillips.  This week: "Tired Of The 
European Dream". Over the next week, France and Holland are holding 
referendums on the proposed EU constitutional treaty that would move 
member nations towards closer integration. Will the French and the 
Dutch vote themselves out of the EU house? [T;%]
1830 -
	HIT MIX* (refer to 0830)

1905 -
	CORRESPONDENTS' REPORT - The ABC's overseas reporters analyze and
interpret the week's major events. <abc.net.au/correspondents/> for 
details. [T;%]
1930 -
	AUSTRALIA ALL OVER - Ian "Macca" MacNamara speaks with Australians
from all walks of life and relishes the chance to travel the country.
Every Sunday morning, some 2 million listeners from every corner of
Australia tune in for their weekly dose of Macca's Australia. Wherever
you are, whatever the time, why not join them on-line or on-air. [%]
(from ABC Local Radio)

2030 -
2041 -

2105 -
	PERSPECTIVE - informed commentary.
2110 -
2145 -
2150 -

2200 -

2305 -
2330 -
	INNOVATIONS* - A showcase of Australian design, discoveries, invention,
engineering and research skills with Desley Blanch. 
<abc.net.au/ra/innovations/> for details. This week: a tool to give a 
global edge to Australian wine-makers.
Does lactic acid really cause burning pain and hinder sports 
And how young people are turning their ideas into reality. [T;%]


0005 -
	BACKGROUND BRIEFING - Radio National's agenda setting, current affairs
radio documentary. This week: "The Millionaire Factory". Macquarie Bank 
is a phenomenon in business, and it's gone global. It's carved out an 
inspiring niche in services we can't live without, such as roads, 
airports, transport  and many more. What makes 'the money machine' go 
round? Stan Correy  reports [T;%]
0055 -
	PERSPECTIVE* - expert commentary

0105 -
	THE SPIRIT OF THINGS - an exploration contemporary values and beliefs 
as expressed through ritual, art, music, and sacred texts with Rachael 
Kohn. This week: "Shambhala or Shangri-La?" The mythical place of 
Buddhism, Shambhala, is a land of perfection and enlightenment. 
Shambhala has had a century-long hold on Westerners.
Orville Schell separates fantasy from reality in this revealing journey 
to virtual Tibet. [T;%]

0210 -
	GRANDSTAND - Live sports from around Australia with an emphasis on
today's National Rugby League (NRL) matches including NZ Warriors v 
Wests Tigers and Melbourne Storm v St.George/Illawarra Dragons and Sea 
Eagles v Penrith Panthers.
(from ABC Local Radio.) <abc.net.au/grandstand/> is the program's 

0805 -
	CORRESPONDENTS' REPORT (refer to Sat. 1905)
0830 -
	INNOVATIONS* (refer to Sat. 2330)

0910 -
	GRANDSTAND WRAP - Summarizing the day's sporting activities in
Australia and around the world. (from ABC Local Radio)
0930 -
	SUSTAINABLE CITIES - Radio Australia’s new series of seven programs,
‘Sustainable Cities – Challenges for the Asia Pacific’ explores some of 
the major issues for cities in becoming more liveable and sustainable. 
These range from urban sprawl to waste management, pollution to 
poverty, to strategies that deal with transport and limited resources 
like water. This week: Episode 5--Melbourne, capital city of the 
southern mainland state of Victoria, is regarded as one of the world's 
most liveable cities.  <radioaustralia.net.au/cities/> for details. 

1005 -
	THE MUSIC SHOW - - a mix of music, interviews and information about
the latest developments in music, hosted by composer Andrew Ford.
<abc.net.au/rn/music/mshow/> for details. This week, Ford talks to 
conductor and harpsichordist John O'Donnell about the English composer 
Thomas Tallis, born 500 years ago this year, and his most famous work: 
'Spem in alium', a choral piece written in 40 parts; composer Michael 
Berkeley and librettist David Malouf talk about their opera 'Jane Eyre' 
which premiered in Australia this week; Adelaide pianist Gabriella 
Smart sheds light on the way composers from Chopin to Nyman have drawn 
on popular dance forms, taking them out of the dance halls and into the 
realm of art; and gypsy band 'Nadya Golski and her 101 Candles 
Orkestra' perform live. [T;%]

1205 -
	SUNDAY PROFILE - Monica Attard talks to the people in the news about
the news. <abc.net.au/sundayprofile> for details. [T;%]
1230 -
	SPEAKING OUT - radio about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander 
people. This week Karen Dorante talks to Sydney Swans Adam Goodes and 
Sean Gorman the author of Brotherboys, the story of talented Aussie 
Rules players Jim and Phillip Krakouer. [%]

1305 -
	ENCOUNTER - exploring the connections between religion and life. This 
week: "Pearls That Were His Eyes". Shakespeare's art in Elizabethan 
England transforms the rifts between Catholics and Protestants, the 
influence of the classics, and the early
days of the scientific revolution into something rich and strange for 
time. They provoke us to see history and the present with different 
The second of two programs on religious dimensions of Shakespeare's 
works. [%]
1355 -
	CORRESPONDENT'S NOTEBOOK (refer to Sat. 1205)

1405 -
	THE SCIENCE SHOW - with Robyn Williams. This week: "Let There Be 
Light". In Adelaide light is being used to produce a new generation of 
communication, using especially ‘holed’ optic fibres. The resulting 
technology can analyse anything from DNA itself to poisons used as 
weapons. And in California a scientist using nanotechnology can take 
your blood and detect a thousand indicators to check your health, or 
what may kill you. [T;%]

1505 -
	THE NATIONAL INTEREST - Terry Lane looks at the major issues of the
week. <abc.net.au/rn/talks/natint/> for details. [T;%]

1605 -
	MARGARET THROSBY INTERVIEW - in conversation with a special guest,
playing their favourite music and telling their own stories.  
<abc.net.au/classic/throsby> for details. [%]

1705 -
	IN THE LOOP* - highlights from last Thursday's 2330 broadcast.
1730 -
	THE SPORTS FACTOR - debating and celebrating the cultural significance 
of sport with Mick O'Regan. This week: "Mermaids with Muscles". A 
century ago Australia had a swimmer more famous internationally than 
Ian Thorpe is today, a woman called Annette Kellerman. Her underwater 
ballet was extraordinary, and arguably inspired synchronised swimming. 
But is it sport? [T;%]

1810 -
	PACIFIC BEAT* - focusing on the island nations which depend on the
Pacific Ocean for their existence, drawing on Australian based
reporters and correspondents throughout the region. With SPORT at :29.

2110 -
	AM - ABC Radio's morning news magazine. [T;%]
2131 -
	DATELINE PACIFIC - a round-up of the very latest news from the Pacific
with interviews and features with all the region's news makers, drawing
on the work of RNZI staff and 20 Pacific journalists from around the
region. <rnzi.com> for details. <from RNZI>

2210 -
	AM (refer to 2110)
2240 -
	TALKING POINT - interviews covering a diverse range of subjects.
2255 -
	PERSPECTIVE* (refer to Sat. 1655)

2305 -
	ASIA PACIFIC* - interviews and reports from the region. (T;%>
2330 -
	IN THE LOOP* - Radio Australia's new two hour morning show celebrates
the cultures and peoples of the Pacific. Each day the programme
highlights the trends, opportunities and challenges the 21st century
brings for the region.


0130 -
	ASIA PACIFIC* (refer to Sun. 2305)

0210 -
	THE 	WORLD TODAY - a comprehensive current affairs program which
backgrounds, analyses, interprets and encourages debate on events and
issues of interest and importance to all Australians. (includes a

0305 -
0315 -
	IN CONVERSATION - about scientific matters. This week: "Thoughts 
Faster than the Speed of Light?". Studies show that reactions of top 
people in sport are faster than
consciousness can register. How can you get to such a lightning reflex? 
Richard Passingham, professor of psychology at Oxford, describes some 
remarkable experiments. [%]
0331 -
	HEALTH REPORT - with Dr. Norman Swan. This week: "Coronary Artery 
Bypass Grafting versus Stent Implantation". Researchers in the U.S. 
have compared long-term outcomes of coronary artery bypass grafting 
(CABG) versus stent implantation. They have concluded that for patients 
with two or more diseased coronary arteries CABG is better for 
long-term survival. [T;%]

0405 -
	BIG IDEAS - lectures, conversations, features and special series from 
Australia and around the world. This week: "The Alfred Deakin 
Innovation Lectures 2005--Lecture Four, Biodiversity, Water, Energy & 
Society". Much of the public debate about the state of the environment 
is faddish and fanatical. Rarely are the issues of soil and salinity, 
noxious weeds, fuel consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, land 
clearing, water management and other environmental challenges discussed 
in an integrated way. This session tackles the highly complex issues of 
biodiversity in Australia. [T;%]

0510 -
	PACIFIC BEAT* - focuses in on the island nations which depend on the
Pacific Ocean for their existence drawing on Australian reporters and
correspondents based throughout the region. [T;%]

How to Listen to Radio Australia----
Via shortwave:
Best as noted in eastern North America -
2200 - 0000 UTC:  21740, 17715
0000 - 0200 UTC:  17715
0200 - 0900 UTC:  15515
0700 - 1400 UTC:   9580 <9590 also noted at times>
1400 - 1600 UTC:   9590 (until fade out)
(Reception in western North America is more reliable. European
listeners are invited to report reception experience to this editor.)
(Complete worldwide schedule from

Via Internet audio streaming:
from http://www.abc.net.au/ra/tuning/web.htm

Via World Radio Network:
Via CBC Overnight:
Via satellite:
consult <http://www.abc.net.au/ra/hear/america.htm>
Via the Mobile Broadcast Network, which offers WRN

Symbols Used:
Within brackets by each program listing, % denotes that the listed
program is available as an on-demand audio file via the Internet. T
indicates that a printed transcript of the program is available via the
RA or via an ABC domestic network Internet site. Consult
<http://www.abc.net.au/streaming/audiovideo.htm> or the particular
program's web page.

To be updated by 0500 UT Mon.

Good Listening!
John Figliozzi

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