[Swprograms] BBC FOOC Segment
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[Swprograms] BBC FOOC Segment

I just was doing some net-audio listening over at the BBC website
(my neighbor's computer now has this capability, which I didn't
have access to before), and I ran across a very interesting
>From Our Own Correspondent segment I wanted to recommend.

The annoying thing about it is that it is only listenable. It is NOT
one of the entries in the FOOC webpage that gives you the
text of the segment, and it isn't listed in the titles of segments
shown on that page. It is the last segment in the FOOC program
identified on the "play the program audio" page as being aired on
Radio 4 at 11:30 on 21 May 05. So I fear that it will disappear

The subject is the Eurovision Song Contest, but the report is not
just about that pop-music program itself, but on the attitude
of the British to Europe in general. Ironically, in specific the
reporter mentions how difficult it has been for him to get
European-themed news items and stories on the BBC. And here
we see an exact example of that: this FOOC segment is NOT
listed and directly accessible from the BBC's FOOC webpage!!!! You
can only discover it by playing the audio and noting its mention
in the intro, and then fiddling with the player-control click-buttons
to go to about 5 minutes before the end of the audio-playing file.

I'm going to send a complaint to "Write On" about this, but I
wanted to let you-all know that this interesting item existed in
this hidden form.

Maybe somewhere else in the BBC's websites there IS a direct
reference to it from the domestic-BBC side of things, but I'm
working from the Worldservice side. The Worldservice has had
a history of making European-specific news coverage rather
hard to hear, with limited broadcast time compared to other
regions of the world.

73, Will Martin

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