[Swprograms] RA Previews #800; 16-18 Apr '05
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[Swprograms] RA Previews #800; 16-18 Apr '05

Edition 800
Apr. 16-18, 2005

Days and times are in UTC. An * indicates that a program is produced by
Radio Australia. All others are produced by Radio National or by other
ABC Radio networks as indicated. Further information about these
programs, as well as transcripts and on-demand audio files of
particular programs, and a wealth of supporting information can be
obtained from<http://www.abc.net.au>. Additional information and a key
to abbreviations and symbols used appear at the bottom of the page.


(RA or ABC News every hour on the hour.)


0005 -
	ASIA PACIFIC REVIEW* - interviews and reports from the region. [T;%]
0030 -
	AUSTRALIAN EXPRESS* - stories from and about Australia with Roger
Broadbent. This week: Meet the Australian actress Nicole Kidman. Once 
best known as the wife of Tom Cruise, Nicole has since become a member 
of the Hollywood ‘A’ list, an exclusive group of young actors who 
command multi-million dollar salaries and willingly or not, provide 
endless fodder for the paprazzi and glossy magazines. Although she now 
resides in the U.S., Nicole is currently back home in Sydney where she 
recently attended the world premiere of her latest film, The 
Interpreter. And we continue our series ‘HIV Today’. When it first made 
headlines around the world HIV was linked to an inevitable early death. 
But decades on and with improvements in treatment, the disease is no 
longer a death sentence for HIV positive people -- some have lived with 
the virus for more than 20 years. But, as we hear, barriers still 
remain in the community for H-I-V positive people who want to live a 
normal life. Some of these barriers are of their own making.

0105 -
	PACIFIC REVIEW* - the week that was in the Pacific. [T;%]
	ASIA PACIFIC BUSINESS* - a weekly wrap-up of finance and
corporate news from the region.

0210 -
	GRANDSTAND - Live sports from around Australia with an emphasis on
matches in the Australian (Rules) Football League (AFL). (from ABC
Local Radio) [abc.net.au/grandstand/] is the program's website.
0805 -
	ASIA PACIFIC REVIEW* (refer to Fri. 2305)
0830 -
	HIT MIX* - the Australian music scene with Brandon Telfer.

0910 -
	GRANDSTAND WRAP - Summarizing the day's sporting activities in
Australia and around the world. (from ABC Local Radio)
0930 -
	JAZZ NOTES* - Australian jazz with Ian Lloyd.

1005 -
	ASIA PACIFIC BUSINESS* (refer to 0130)
1020 -
	TALKING POINT* - interviews.
1035 -
	VERBATIM - the story of the 20th century through the voices of
ordinary Australians. This week: Professor Nguyen Hung Nguyen Hung was 
a student teacher when he joined the ranks of the North Vietnamese 
army. He recalls his long years of battle, the end of the war in 1975, 
and his reconciliation visits to the United States to meet American war 
veterans. [T;%]

1105 -
	ASIA PACIFIC REVIEW* (refer to Fri. 2305)
1130 -
	ALL IN THE MIND - the mind, brain and behaviour with Natasha Mitchell.
This week: "Therapy in the Shadow of Terror". We look at delivering 
therapy to the ‘enemy’. Jewish psychotherapist and anthropologist Dr 
Henry Ambramovitch works in Jerusalem soothing the souls of both 
Israeli and Palestinian clients. [T;%]

1205 -
	CORRESPONDENT'S NOTEBOOK* - An ABC overseas reporter provides a more
personal view of one of the week's major events.
[abc.net.au/ra/notebook/] for details. [T;%]
1210 -
	SATURDAY NIGHT COUNTRY - with John Nutting. This week Johnno heads 
back into the Sydney studio. Big Bobby from Bondi will help co host and 
we will meet new young talent  REBECCA LEE NYE. John Beland joins us 
from Austin, Texas; he has a new album called Big Guitars. [T;%] (from 
ABC Local Radio)

1605 -
	MARGARET THROSBY INTERVIEW - in conversation with a special guest,
playing their favourite music and telling their own stories. [%]

1705 -
	THE BEST OF LATE NIGHT LIVE - - a repeat broadcast of one of the
programs from the past week. [abc.net.au/rn/talks/lnl/] for details. 

1805 -
	THE EUROPEANS - broader historical and cultural perspectives on 
European societies with Keri Phillips.  This week: "Romanian 
Renaissance?" In just over a week, Romania will sign the papers that 
commit it to membership of the European Union in 2007. What will EU 
membership mean for a country still regarded as the most corrupt in the 
former Soviet bloc? And, what is the future for foreign languages in 
Britain? [T;%]
1830 -
	HIT MIX* (refer to 0830)

1905 -
	CORRESPONDENTS' REPORT - The ABC's overseas reporters analyze and
interpret the week's major events. [abc.net.au/correspondents/] for
details. [T;%]
1930 -
	AUSTRALIA ALL OVER - Ian "Macca" MacNamara speaks with Australians
from all walks of life and relishes the chance to travel the country.
Every Sunday morning, some 2 million listeners from every corner of
Australia tune in for their weekly dose of Macca's Australia. Wherever
you are, whatever the time, why not join them on-line or on-air. [%]
(from ABC Local Radio)

2030 -
2041 -

2105 -
	PERSPECTIVE - informed commentary.
2110 -
2145 -
2150 -

2200 -

2305 -
2330 -
	INNOVATIONS* - A showcase of Australian design, discoveries, invention,
engineering and research skills with Desley Blanch. 
[abc.net.au/ra/innovations/] for details. [T;%]


0005 -
	BACKGROUND BRIEFING - Radio National's agenda setting, current affairs
radio documentary. This week: "Lord Richard Layard--Politics of 
Happiness". Should there be policies to nurture happiness? Or are 
policies on relationships, mental health, community and more taxes a 
new form of socialism? Professor of Politics Lord Richard Layard from 
the London School of Economics explains his ideas. [T;%]
0055 -
	PERSPECTIVE* - expert commentary

0105 -
	THE SPIRIT OF THINGS - an exploration contemporary values and beliefs
as expressed through ritual, art, music, and sacred texts with Rachael 
Kohn. This week: "Muslims in Australia". From the 19th Century to the 
present, freedom and opportunity attracted many Muslims to Australia 
but sociologist Nahid Kabir argues that international events have made 
life more difficult for Australian Muslims. [T;%]

0210 -
	GRANDSTAND - Live sports from around Australia with an emphasis on
today's National Rugby League (NRL) matches. (from ABC Local Radio)
[abc.net.au/grandstand/] is the program's website.

0805 -
	CORRESPONDENTS' REPORT (refer to Sat. 1905)
0830 -
	INNOVATIONS* (refer to Sat. 2330)

0910 -
	GRANDSTAND WRAP - Summarizing the day's sporting activities in
Australia and around the world. (from ABC Local Radio)
0930 -
	SMART SOCIETIES* - What will it take to be truly smart in the 21st
century? In this education series young people and regional specialists
discuss a range of issues from international education to creating
liveable cities to being good corporate citizens. This week: "Episode
11 - Generational Change." The policy challenges that the next 
generation of leaders face. Challenges like maintaining economic 
development and social cohesion while responding to the threats posed 
by terrorism. [T;%]

1005 -
	THE MUSIC SHOW - - a mix of music, interviews and information about
the latest developments in music, hosted by composer Andrew Ford.
[abc.net.au/rn/music/mshow/] for details. This week's guests: Ted Egan, 
singer, song writer and currently Administrator of the Northern 
Territory; Klaus Heymann of NAXOS records & widow of George, Olivia 
Harrison. [T;%]

1205 -
	SUNDAY PROFILE - Monica Attard talks to the people in the news about
the news. This week: jailed businessman Rodney Adler talks about the 
impact of the HIH collapse on him, his family and his business ventures 
and what he expects from prison life. [T;%]
1230 -
	SPEAKING OUT - radio about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
people. This week: "Deadly Yarns". Karen Dorante talks to Message Stick 
series producer, Michelle White and National Indigenous News 
journalist, Trevor Dodds. [%]

1305 -
	ENCOUNTER - a highly-acclaimed series that explores the connections
between religion and life. This week: "The Tale of the Grand Mosque of 
Banda Aceh". The Grand Baiturrahman Mosque of Banda Aceh - regarded as 
one of the most beautiful mosques in Indonesia - often featured in news 
reports out of Aceh in the aftermath of the Boxing Day tsunami. The 
mosque is said to occupy a site chosen by the great Iskander Muda, 
ruler of Aceh in its seventeenth century heyday as entrepot of the 
Indian Ocean and the Malacca Straits. Thereby hangs a tale! The true 
story of the mosque undoes much of the common picture of Aceh as a 
closed off, traditionalist Islamic province. [%]
1355 -
	CORRESPONDENT'S NOTEBOOK (refer to Sat. 1205)

1405 -
	THE SCIENCE SHOW - with Robyn Williams. This week: "Let the big fish 
go!" Scientists now claim that big fish reproduce faster and better 
than small ones, so fishermen should be throwing them back in the 
water. How could this be enforced? Could the new rules applied to the 
Great Barrier Reef be an example to the world? [T;%]

1505 -
	THE NATIONAL INTEREST - Terry Lane looks at the major issues of the
week. This week: "Nuclear Power and Climate Change". Lane asks whether 
nuclear power offers a solution to the problem of greenhouse gas 
emissions and climate change. Also, he discusses the Labor split 50 
years on. [T;%]

1605 -
	MARGARET THROSBY INTERVIEW - in conversation with a special guest,
playing their favourite music and telling their own stories. [%]

1705 -
	IN THE LOOP* - highlights from last Thursday's 2330 broadcast.
1730 -
	THE SPORTS FACTOR - debating and celebrating the cultural significance
of sport with Mick O'Regan. This week: "More Bounce for your Buck". 
Many people acknowledge that sport is important to society, but how do 
you actually calculate that value? New research from the UK aims to 
target exactly what we get from sport for every dollar spent. [T;%]

1810 -
	PACIFIC BEAT* - focusing on the island nations which depend on the
Pacific Ocean for their existence, drawing on Australian based
reporters and correspondents throughout the region. With SPORT at :29.

2110 -
	AM - ABC Radio's morning news magazine. [T;%]
2131 -
	DATELINE PACIFIC - a round-up of the very latest news from the Pacific
with interviews and features with all the region's news makers, drawing
on the work of RNZI staff and 20 Pacific journalists from around the
region. [rnzi.com] for details. [from RNZI]

2210 -
	AM (refer to 2110)
2240 -
	TALKING POINT - interviews covering a diverse range of subjects.
2255 -
	PERSPECTIVE* (refer to Sat. 1655)

2305 -
	ASIA PACIFIC* - interviews and reports from the region. (T;%]
2330 -
	IN THE LOOP* - Radio Australia's new two hour morning show celebrates
the cultures and peoples of the Pacific. Each day the programme
highlights the trends, opportunities and challenges the 21st century
brings for the region.


0130 -
	ASIA PACIFIC* (refer to Sun. 2305)

0210 -
	THE 	WORLD TODAY - a comprehensive current affairs program which
backgrounds, analyses, interprets and encourages debate on events and
issues of interest and importance to all Australians. (includes a

0305 -
0315 -
	IN CONVERSATION - about scientific matters. This week: "The Man Behind 
the Quantum Revolution". Max Born played duets with Einstein. The pair 
of them also revolutionised the 20th century. Max Born was one of those 
behind quantum mechanics  work that won him the 1954 Nobel Prize. But 
who is Born’s Australian granddaughter? [%]
0331 -
	HEALTH REPORT - with Dr. Norman Swan. This week: "The Medical 
Tourist". We hear about a Queensland man who is about to go to India 
for knee surgery. It would have taken approximately two to three years 
until he would have been able to get into hospital in Australia. [T;%]

0405 -
	BIG IDEAS - lectures, conversations, features and special series from
Australia and around the world. This week: "The Wisdom Interviews with
Peter Thompson - Program 4 of 6: Tom Uren". A child of the Depression 
era who would later know the brutality of war as a Japanese POW, Tom 
Uren says he’s never been a hater, just a fighter. Now in his eighties, 
he continues to live an active life guided by both principle and 
passion. [T;%]

0510 -
	PACIFIC BEAT* - focuses in on the island nations which depend on the
Pacific Ocean for their existence drawing on Australian reporters and
correspondents based throughout the region. [T;%]

How to Listen to Radio Australia----
Via shortwave:
Best as noted in eastern North America -
2200 - 0000 UTC:  21740, 17715
0000 - 0200 UTC:  17715
0200 - 0900 UTC:  15515
0700 - 1400 UTC:   9580 [9590 also noted at times]
1400 - 1600 UTC:   9590 (until fade out)
(Reception in western North America is more reliable. European
listeners are invited to report reception experience to this editor.)
(Complete worldwide schedule from

Via Internet audio streaming:
from http://www.abc.net.au/ra/tuning/web.htm

Via World Radio Network:
Via CBC Overnight:
Via satellite:
consult <http://www.abc.net.au/ra/hear/america.htm>
Via the Mobile Broadcast Network, which offers WRN

Symbols Used:
Within brackets by each program listing, % denotes that the listed
program is available as an on-demand audio file via the Internet. T
indicates that a printed transcript of the program is available via the
RA or via an ABC domestic network Internet site. Consult
<http://www.abc.net.au/streaming/audiovideo.htm> or the particular
program's web page.

To be updated by 0500 UT Mon.

Good Listening!
John Figliozzi

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