[Swprograms] Re: British accents out at BBC World Service
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[Swprograms] Re: British accents out at BBC World Service

I am all for having a variety of accents. But if the issue is "new
hires" and this is being implemented, how long before it spreads to the
*rest* of the staff? If it's directed at the so-called "new
hires'---it's a policy that should be *never* acceptable---period. 

I long for the days like it was in the 1970s, creative programs,
creative output and the creative people behind the mike presenting them,
without interference from management or budget constraints. Sadly, those
days are gone forever. 

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Sender: swprograms-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx From:
rdcuff@xxxxxxxxx(Richard Cuff) Date: Thu, Mar 3, 2005, 10:40pm To:
swprograms@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Shortwave programming discussion) Subject:
[Swprograms] Re: British accents out at BBC World Service 
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I find it more amusing than anything else. After all, if I read this
correctly, this is regarding *new hires*, not existing staff, right? So
there could be no discrimination claim if a lack of British accent is
clearly spelled out in the job description. 
My favorite international broadcaster for "flat accents" would be YLE,
may it rest in peace. I was always struck by the non-European nature of
most YLE on-air staff. 
Besides, we're talking *world* service, talking primarily to a
*non-British* audience, right? Wouldn't you rather have someone for the
target language service with a twang that said target audience would be
able to understand? 
Richard "the closet linguist" Cuff / Allentown, PA USA 
On Thu, 3 Mar 2005 22:28:32 -0500, maryanne kehoe <atlsvo@xxxxxxxxx>
I smell another Bectu strike on the way!! 
What WS is doing is nothing short of discrimination----something they
have a good history of doing. 
I was in the UK during one of the Bectu strikes. The reporting on the
local BBC Northwest channels was ugly. The whole of the BBC is out of
control and I am quite disappointed at Lord Grade, as I expected much
better out of him and his leadership. He's been on the job less than a
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