[Swprograms] RA Previews #782; 5-7 Feb '05
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[Swprograms] RA Previews #782; 5-7 Feb '05

Edition 782
Feb. 5-7, 2005

Days and times are in UTC. An * indicates that a program is produced by
Radio Australia. All others are produced by Radio National or by other
ABC Radio networks as indicated. Further information about these
programs, as well as transcripts and on-demand audio files of
particular programs, and a wealth of supporting information can be
obtained from<http://www.abc.net.au>. Additional information and a key
to abbreviations and symbols used appear at the bottom of the page.


(RA or ABC News every hour on the hour.)


0005 -
	BACKGROUND BRIEFING - Radio National's agenda-setting, current affairs 
radio documentary program. This week: "Nanotechnology--Nature's Toy 
Box". Nanotechnology is beginning to change everything. It's converging 
with biology, IT and the cognitive sciences to change whole economies 
from jobs to health care. It's already happening and the science is way 
ahead of public understanding. [T;%]

0055 -
	CORRESPONDENTS' NOTEBOOK - An ABC oversea reporter analyzes and
interprets one of the week's major events. [T;%]

0105 -
	GRANDSTAND - Live sports from around Australia.

0705 -
	GRANDSTAND WRAP - Summarizing the day's sporting activities in 
Australia and around the world.
0730 -
	LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION! - a music/talk program, which focuses on 
popular movies, movie music and conversations with people and 
personalities from the movies. [%] (from ABC Local Radio)

1105 -
	SATURDAY NIGHT COUNTRY with John Nutting - This week Johnno checks out
the best in Country Music from around Australia. Gretchen Wilson is 
about to return to Australia for a short tour, and it was a big year 
for her last year. Johnno has a chat to catch up. And there is a new 
record label that is keeping the heritage of Australian country music 
alive. Bellbird Records we hear some new releases. [T;%]

1505 -
	ALL IN THE MIND - the mind, brain and behaviour with Natasha Mitchell. 
This week: "Leaving You--A Cultural History of Suicide". In 1938 
historian Lisa Lieberman's grandfather, the son of an Austrian Rabbi, 
killed himself. It's a mystery that's long haunted her and one which 
sent her rummaging into the historical archives of self destruction. 
 From Socrates to Sylvia Plath, post-revolutionary France to Auschwitz - 
suicide has been seen as both a personal and a political act. But 
Lieberman provocatively argues that modern medicine has stripped it 
bare of meaning and reason, and diminished individual responsibility 
for the decision to die. She joins Natasha Mitchell to share her 
unease... and historical insights. [T;%]
1530 -
	AUSTRALIAN EXPRESS - with Roger Broadbent. Stories from and about 
Australia that are always informative, entertaining and sometimes 
surprising. We travel the length and breadth of the country in a effort 
to reveal the real Australia.

1605 -
	HINDSIGHT - social history with Claudia Taranto. This week: “Torn 
Curtain” with Tom Morton. Program 1 of 4: The Nuclear War We Nearly Had 
in 1983. Tom Morton presents a secret history of the cold war drawing 
on new insights from historians looking
at the archives of the former Soviet bloc, recently declassified 
documents and first-hand accounts of former spies, intelligence 
officials, politicians and diplomats. In episode one, we hear how in 
1983 deeply paranoid Soviet politicians and military leaders believed
the US was preparing a pre-emptive nuclear strike and argued that the 
Soviets should prepare to strike first if necessary. [%]
1655 -
	PERSPECTIVE - informed commentary.

1705 -
	THE SPIRIT OF THINGS - an exploration contemporary values and beliefs 
as expressed through ritual, art, music, and sacred texts with Rachael 
Kohn. This week: "God & I--America’s Feisty Nun Speaks About Her 
Faith". The renowned Benedictine nun, Sister Joan Chittister, regularly 
moves her audience to tears - of laughter. She is candid, funny, and 
profound. This talk was sponsored by the World Community of Christian 
Meditation, and given at the John Main Seminar in Vermont, USA, in 
2004. [T;%]
1755 -
	THE PULSE - Music from Australia and the Pacific.

1805 -

1905 -
	AUSTRALIA ALL OVER - Ian "Macca" MacNamara speaks with Australians 
from all walks of life and relishes the chance to travel the country 
with Australia All Over. Every Sunday morning, some 2 million listeners 
from every corner of Australia tune in for their weekly dose of Macca's 
Australia. Wherever you are, whatever the time, why not join them 
on-line or on-air. [%]

2005 -
	PERSPECTIVE - informed commentary.
2010 -
2045 -

2100 -

2205 -
	CORRESPONDENTS' REPORT - The ABC's overseas reporters analyze and
interpret the week's major events. [T;%]
2230 -
	MUSIC DELI - folk, tradional, acoustic and world music with Paul 
Petran. [abc.net.au/rn/music/deli/] for details. [T;%]

2305 -
	THE EUROPEANS - broader historical and cultural perspectives on 
European societies with Keri Phillips. This week: "Two 
Disputes--Decommissioning IRA Weapons and the Skye Scoot". A new round 
of talks has just begun in the seemingly interminable peace process in 
Northern Ireland. Late last year, the two sides had been close to a 
deal, when talks collapsed over the details of weapons decommissioning, 
with the IRA refusing to allow the photographic evidence demanded by 
the Unionists. Things were further complicated by a bank robbery at the 
Northern Bank in Belfast in December, which netted the equivalent of 
sixty-four and a half million Australian dollars and is widely believed 
to have been carried out by the IRA. In the latest twist to the story, 
last Wednesday night, the IRA dramatically withdrew its offer to fully 
decommission all weapons. Meanwhile in Scotland, a creative campaign of 
civil disobedience has finally carried the day for people living on the 
Isle of Skye off the coast of Western Scotland. The hated toll on the 
privately owned Skye Bridge, which joins the island to the mainland, 
has been abolished. [T;%]
2330 -
	INNOVATIONS - A showcase of Australian design, discoveries, invention,
engineering and research skills with Desley Blanch. This week: "The 
Nature of Innovation". On Innovations, the laboratory that you can hold 
in one hand; what do six
hats and creativity have in common?  Find out as we continue our series 
Nature of Innovation; and a new Australian rocket engine gets a test 
drive. [T;%]


0005 -
	KEYS TO MUSIC - Graham Abbott break down the barriers to enjoying
classical music for non-musicians, revealing basic concepts, discussing
composers and exploring pieces of music inside-out. This week: "Under 
the Microscope-- the Mozart / da Ponte overtures". In a Keys To Music 
concert recorded last year, Graham and the Adelaide Symphony Orchestra 
explore the overtures to Mozart’s three operas composed to libretti by 
Lorenzo da Ponte: The Marriage of Figaro, Don Giovanni and Cosí fan 
tutte. [T;%] (from ABC Classic FM)

0105 -
	GRANDSTAND - Live sports from around Australia.

1330 -
	SUNDAY NIGHT TALK with John Cleary - exploring the issues, events and 
people driving developments in religion, ethics, spirituality, popular 
culture, values and beliefs in our country. [abc.net.au/sundaynights/] 
for details. (From ABC Local Radio.)

1505 -
	THE NATIONAL INTEREST - Terry Lane looks at the major issues of the 
week. This week: "Trashing the VCR". Lane alerts us to a court case in 
the United States that could fundamentally reshape our use of 
technology. In 1984 Hollywood tried to have video recorders banned 
because they could be used to copy TV shows. The case failed because 
the court argued that video recorders had other uses that did not 
infringe copyright. Now the media moguls are trying again, this time 
they have internet file-swapping and i-pods in their sights. Also, are 
Australia and New Zealand drifting apart? Terry talks to veteran New 
Zealand political commentator Colin James about Trans-Tasman relations. 

1605 -
	BOOKS AND WRITING - in-depth discussions focusing on books, ideas and
writing with Ramona Koval. This week: "The Art of Science Writing". 
When we think of science, we don’t tend to associate this with fine 
writing. In fact science has suffered greatly over the decades at the 
hands of poor communicators. But the world has changed and, 
increasingly, science has become compelling reading. Science magazines 
have become glossy, accessible and quite fashionable and newspapers are 
increasingly featuring science and technology as mainstream subjects. 
So on Books & Writing this week, we hear from a panel of science 
writers, gathered in Montreal last year, to explain to Ramona Koval how 
the Arts and the Sciences are starting to merge again across both 
fiction and non-fiction. They stress the importance of the science 
writer today and the skills they need to be accurate and non-partisan, 
whilst still imparting a love of language and communication. [T;%]
1630 -
	BOOK TALK - a mix of reviews, critical discussion and the latest 
developments in publishing with Jill Kitson. This week: "The Plot 
Against America". American Studies specialist Ray Nichols on Philip 
Roth's fascist nightmare about the America of his boyhood. With a 
reading from the unabridged audiobook. [%]

1705 -
	SOUND QUALITY - For 25 years, Tim Ritchie has been seeking out music: 
the interesting, the evolutionary, the inaccessible and the wonderful. 
About this week's show, Tim writes, "You know when there's something 
special in your life and you want to share it... something that you 
know in your heart of hearts is a universal good... don't worry I'm not 
an evangelist for any cause or pursuit... but this week we'll hear 
tracks from one artist, from one cd, from..." [T;%]

1805 -
	PACIFIC BEAT* - focusing on the island nations which depend on the 
Pacific Ocean for their existence, drawing on Australian based 
reporters and correspondents throughout the region to bring you the 
events and issues affecting the region, interviews with political 
leaders, newsmakers, and the people. [T;%]

2105 -
	AM - ABC Radio's morning news magazine. [T;%]
2130 -
	DATELINE PACIFIC - a round-up of the very latest news from the Pacific 
with interviews and features with all the region's news makers, drawing 
on the work of RNZI staff and 20 Pacific journalists from around the 

2210 -
	AM (refer to 2110)
2240 -
	TALKING POINT - interviews covering a diverse range of subjects.
2255 -
	PERSPECTIVE - expert commentary.

2305 -
	ASIA PACIFIC* - interviews and reports from the region. (T;%]
2330 -
	VERBATIM - oral histories. This week: "Cosmic Conversations". Last 
year Maggie Iaquinto found she was a character in an opera called 
'Cosmonaut'. It told the story of Soviet citizen Sergei Krikalev, who 
was orbiting the earth in MIR when his country fell apart. [%]


0000 -
	AWAYE! - produced and presented by Aboriginal broadcasters and is 
Australia's only national Indigenous arts and culture program. 
[abc.net.au/rn/awaye/] for details.

0105 -
	ASIA PACIFIC* (refer to Sun. 2305)
	HEALTH REPORT - with Dr. Norman Swan.  This week: "Beneficial Effects 
of Sunlight on Cancer". We all know that too much sunlight can cause 
skin cancer. However studies have now suggested that sunlight may be 
beneficial in some cancers. It may reduce the risk of non-Hodgkin 
lymphoma and may also play a role in melanoma survival. Professor Bruce 
Armstrong, Head of the School of Public Health at Sydney University, 
talks about these studies. Also on the program: Associate Professor 
Rebecca Mason, Head of the Department of Physiology at Sydney 
University, talks about the role and effects of Vitamin D. [T; %]

0205 -
	THE 	WORLD TODAY - a comprehensive current affairs program which
backgrounds, analyses, interprets and encourages debate on events and
issues of interest and importance to all Australians. [T;%]

0310 -
0320 -
	LIFE MATTERS - daily interview program about social change and
day-to-day life. [abc.net.au/rn/talks/lm/] for details. [%]

How to Listen to Radio Australia----
Via shortwave:
Best as noted in eastern North America -
2100 - 0000 UTC:  21740, 17715
0000 - 0200 UTC:  15240
0200 - 0900 UTC:  15515
0700 - 1400 UTC:   9580 [6020 and 9590 also noted at times]
1400 - 1600 UTC:   9590 (until fade out)
(Reception in western North America is much more reliable. European
listeners are invited to report reception experience to this editor.)
(Complete worldwide schedule from

Via Internet audio streaming:
from http://www.abc.net.au/ra/tuning/web.htm

Via World Radio Network:
Via CBC Overnight:
Via satellite:
consult <http://www.abc.net.au/ra/hear/america.htm>
Via the Mobile Broadcast Network, which offers WRN

Symbols Used:
Within brackets by each program listing, % denotes that the listed
program is available as an on-demand audio file via the Internet. T
indicates that a printed transcript of the program is available via the
RA or via an ABC domestic network Internet site. Consult
<http://www.abc.net.au/streaming/audiovideo.htm> or the particular
program's web page.

To be updated by 0500 UT Mon.

Good Listening!
John Figliozzi

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