Re: [Swprograms] CBC Adrian Shuman
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Re: [Swprograms] CBC Adrian Shuman

Joe Buch writes:

<< CBC Toronto originates a program called Fresh Air which is carried on 
Sunday mornings from 7 to 9 AM local time (1200-1400 UTC in winter) on CBC North 
Quebec on 9625 kHz.  For the past ten years Adrian Shuman has occupied the 
guest chair after the 7:30 AM local news break to present a very interesting 
program of vintage popular music.  Listeners would send in some obscure lyric or 
clue and Adrian would research the song and dig out a copy from either his own 
personal collection or the CBC archives.  He presented the songs with 
accompanying comments as to the origin or significance in the time it was popular.  For 
example today's program included the tune "The D-Day Dodgers" written by 
Major Hamish Henderson of the 51st Highland Division in response to an ill 
considered, 1944 comment by Lady Astor, in the House of Commons, accusing Soldiers in 
Italy of "dodging D-Day".>>

Thanks, Joe...wish I'd have caught this.   It's one of my favorite songs;  I 
wonder if this was Pete Seeger's recording of the song, or the Weaver's?  

Hamish Henderson was one of the great Scottish folklorists, folksong 
collectors, and writers.   He died just a couple years ago.  I had the pleasure of 
visiting him at the School of Scottish Studies in Edinburgh, and watching him 
"hold court" at the bar in Sandy Bell's Pub.

Saul Broudy
Philadelphia, PA   USA

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