[Swprograms] OT: Helping a Tropical Station
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[Swprograms] OT: Helping a Tropical Station

My apologies if this is off topic, although I think this resonates with the loss of any kind of world band station or language service. Also, the tropical stations style of programming is often very interesting.

Someone posted on Hardcore DX a rather downbeat assessment that there are very few stations on the tropical bands anymore, due to transmitter failure, lack of parts, economic difficulties etc. Some people jumped in saying that stations are declining, but there is still a fair amount of activity.

Here was my response:

"I agree with Aart and Guy. I'm still hearing interesting things from my Brooklyn, NY location. I do notice a difference though, and lament the trend.

Allow me to fantasize for a moment:

What if SWL's/DXer's acted in certain ways like hams, who marshall great amounts of resources to conduct DXpeditions on pieces of rock in the middle of various oceans, or go to tiny countries to operate. What if some folks in our listening community banded together, and selected certain inactive stations, and helped to rejuvenate them for the good of the local community, and incidentally also for the good of DXing? Many DX'ers have the technical knowhow, to put some of these stations back on the air, and others may have the expertise to help raise funds to provide parts and other kinds of support. Such an activity may not ultimately fill the bands with stations, but would impact the local community, and maybe make us feel less helpless/hopeless in the face of change in our hobby."

I guess what I want to ask folks is this: has there ever been any concerted effort made to support these stations. After all, it seems like an organized group of SWL's/DX'ers could help to keep a tropical station on the air in the ways I mention above. Whereas, asking the BBC or Kol Israel to change policy is more like tilting at windmills.


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