[Swprograms] Re: Changes to Sirius BBC Stream?
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[Swprograms] Re: Changes to Sirius BBC Stream?

Mystery solved!

Richard Cuff has learned from his sources at the BBC that the apparent stream change at Sirius was just that--apparent. Due to a switching error and a circuit failure at Sirius, the wrong North American feed was dialed up over the holiday weekend. It was, indeed, the PRI feed that PRI supplies to its public radio clients. Things are now "back to normal".

So--as Emily Littella (aka Gilda Radner) used to say--"Never mind..."

John Figliozzi

On Monday, November 29, 2004, at 12:40  AM, John Figliozzi wrote:

Following up...

Kevin Kelly, who maintains the excellent publicradiofan.com web site, sent me an updated PRI winter schedule for its proprietary BBC World Service stream and it does appear to track what I heard this past weekend.

See: http://www.pri.org/PublicSite/listeners/programs/pop_up/ bbc_win_schedule.pdf

So, all that needs to be answered is whether this change on Sirius is by accident or design--and, perhaps, why a change was felt warranted.

As they say, stay tuned...

John Figliozzi

On Sunday, November 28, 2004, at 11:00 PM, John Figliozzi wrote:

It appears that the BBC World Service has made some changes to the stream it provides to Sirius Satellite Radio, which is carried on channel 114. Up to now, the World Service has provided the "full service" Americas stream over XM Satellite Radio and a modified version of the "all news" stream to Sirius. This weekend, I noted that the BBC World Service on Sirius contained some programs heretofore not carried there. These included "Outlook", "The Ticket" and a program that is part of a six installment documentary series on European cities. I also noted that at least one regular program heretorfore carried was not. "Sportsworld", unfortunately, appears to be a casualty of this apparent modification.

On the half-hour today, I also heard an underwriting announcement used by and specifically identifiying PRI (Public Radio International) as the provider of BBC World Service in the U.S. However, the apparently new schedule I'm observing does not track the proprietary PRI schedule either.

The BBC has willingly tailored World Service schedules for various clients, in addition to its eight international streams and two internet streams. This past weekend on "Write On", a listener who tunes in via Worldspace complained of a unannounced change in schedule for the satellite service's "in the clear" World Service channel that adds 90 minutes of non-English programming. The reply stated that World Service was now providing two channels--a "full service" 24 hour English channel that was now available only by subscription and a 24 hour modified "all news" channel (including the new 90 minute non-English segment) that would remain "in the clear" and not require extra payment. Dilly Barlow, at the end of her reply to the letter writer, stated that the BBC had "no current plans" to add further non-English programming to the "in the clear" channel.

I am surmising that the described adjustments to the Sirius stream are part of an overall reassessment of the various schedules that the BBC tailors for specific requests or needs of its clients. I've used the word "apparent" in my descriptions just in case the noted changes are anomalies resulting from an inadvertent mistake or other cause. I have contacted the BBC Press Office and the World Service directly requesting an explanation. If and when I receive one, I will pass it along on these forums.

John Figliozzi
Halfmoon, NY
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