[Swprograms] rec.radio.shortwave August 7: India-Independence Day Broadcasts
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[Swprograms] rec.radio.shortwave August 7: India-Independence Day Broadcasts

Subject: India-Independence Day Broadcasts
From: dxAce dxace@xxxxxxxxxx 
Date: 8/7/2004 6:17 AM Central Standard Time
Message-id: <4114BA4B.73AD67F@xxxxxxxxxx>

Dear Friends,

India is celebrating its Independence Day on 15 August.

All India Radio will broadcast the President's address to the nation
on the eve of Independence Day ie on 14 Aug 2004.

It will be broadcast by Delhi at 1400 UTC on 3365 6030 6085 9575 &
9835 and will be relayed by all stations of AIR.

AIR will broadcast a running commentary of the flag hoisting ceremony
to be held at Red Fort, New Delhi at 0135-0240 UTC as follows:

English: 4860 6030 9910(Aligarh), 13620 (Bangalore), 15040
Hindi: 6155 9595 11620 11830 15135

In order to facilitate the relay commentary, the SW stations will
change to their day time frequencies earlier than usual as follows:

6020 Shimla 0025 (ex 0215)
6110 Srinagar 0125 (ex 0227)
7115 Port Blair 0130 (ex 0315)
7140 Hyderabad 0130 (ex 0227)
7150 Imphal 0130 (ex 0227)
7180 Bhopal 0115 (ex 0227)
7210 Kolkatta 0130 (ex 0227)
7290 Thiruvanathapuram 0130 (ex 0230)

All stations of AIR will relay the running commentary.

The news bulletins in various regional languages will be broadcast
later than usual ie after the running commentary.

With Independnece Day wishes,

Jose Jacob (via dx_india)

via John Norfolk

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