Re: [Swprograms] Comprehensive guide to programs
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Re: [Swprograms] Comprehensive guide to programs

Hi, Steve -- welcome to the list!

Glenn Hauser's "World Of Radio" site has a collection of interesting
programs available via FM, webcast, and shortwave -- see the "Monitoring
Calendar" listing,

You can tell the shortwave listings by the frequency citations, but you
should check the frequencies against a current list -- e.g. Daniel Sampson's
"Prime Time Shortwave" site, -- because I
believe Glenn last did a major update on this list back in June 2003, and
there are likely some out-of-date frequencies there.  Note that most of the
programs listed at Glenn's site are US and British public radio -- very good
radio, but not shortwave radio.

My good friend John Figliozzi (egad, a mutual admiration society...) forgot
to mention a database he helped put together at the NASWA website, called
the Worldwide Shortwave Listening Guide -- see  This may be handy too.

Another useful site -- more so for overall public radio but still with
relevance to shortwave and the webcasts of shortwave broadcasters -- is
Kevin Kelly's "Webby"-nominated Public Radio Fan website,

Another shortwave organization with advance program information is the
Ontario DX Association (ODXA); Fred Waterer, who prepares the "Programming
Matters" column each month, is a member of this e-mail list too.  The ODXA
website, where you can dig up more info, is

Steve, if you hang out here you'll see notes regarding interesting upcoming
programing as well -- John prepares biweekly summaries on advance
programming on Radio Australia, and weekly summaries on Radio New Zealand
International.  Both of these broadcasters generally produce high quality
programming covering interesting subjects.

Joe Buch passes along some interesting suggestions regarding Radio Canada
International to this list; Maryanne Kehoe does the same for the Voice of
Russia; Jim LeQuesne mentions some interesting upcoming programming for
China Radio International.

You'll generally find this group a civilized and enthusiastic bunch -- more
so than a lot of Internet based discussion groups.  Feel free to ask
questions if something you see here doesn't make sense.

Welcome to shortwave listening -- you'll find a lot more on the shortwaves
than your local AM or FM dial...

As far as my own personal favorites go, here are my "don't miss" programs:

"From Our Own Correspondent", BBC World Service

"Analysis", BBC World Service

"As It Happens", CBC / Radio Canada International

"Background Briefing", Radio Australia

"Dutch Horizons", Radio Netherlands

"Living in Germany", Deutsche Welle (hard to hear via shortwave...)

"Newslink", Deutsche Welle (again, hard to hear via shortwave...)

Most offerings from Radio Prague, Radio Vlaanderen International (Belgium)
and  Radio Sweden are well-crafted.

I listen to Kol Israel for their perspectives on the middle east -- the
broadcast we here on shortwave is also earmarked for their domestic
English-speaking audience; when one can hear them, UAE Radio in Dubai offers
a different perspective on that region.

Hope this helps...

Richard Cuff / Allentown, PA  USA

Editor, "Easy Listening", NASWA Journal (
Co-chair, Winter SWL Fest (
List owner and co-founder, swprograms
List owner and co-founder, swprograms

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "John Figliozzi" <jfiglio1@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "Shortwave programming discussion" <swprograms@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 2004 1:08 AM
Subject: Re: [Swprograms] Comprehensive guide to programs

Well, not to toot my own horn, but I do a monthly column and prepare
seven pages of program listings each month for Monitoring Times
magazine which should be available monthly at your larger magazine
stands (such as Borders and Barnes & Noble).  Go to
<> for more info.

Also, a good friend of mine, Richard Cuff does a monthly column on
programming for the North American Shortwave Association club
bulletin/magazine "The Journal".  For more info on this go to

Hope this helps!

John Figliozzi

On Monday, June 21, 2004, at 07:51  PM, Steve wrote:

> Hi,
> As someone new to the hobby of shortwave listening I am surprised by
> the quality of some of the programming available but hampered in my
> inability to unearth them. What I would like to ask is if anyone knows
> of a resource that reviews radio programs that are favorites among
> listeners? For example, the most recent issue of "Passport to World
> Band Radio" has a section entitled "First Tries: Ten Easy Catches"
> that alerted me to Radio Taiwan International's "Jade Bells and Bamboo
> Pipes" and Radio Canada's "The World this Weekend." There must be a
> number of shows that more seasoned listeners would recommend and I
> would welcome any individual suggestions or guidance to a more
> comprehensive listing of quality shows.
> Thank you for your help, Steve.
> Note: If there are a number of responses I will be glad to assemble a
> list and post it
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