[Swprograms] BPL: Seattle Times article, etc.
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[Swprograms] BPL: Seattle Times article, etc.

SWPrograms list:  sorry if this too off-topic....direct me to
right place if you can.

Joe, John, Ralph, and others who are tied in with NASWA and
other groups, and otherwise connected with SWL in the U.S., do
you know if SWLers out there who are checking/monitoring for BPL

Here for instance is a newspaper article announcing yet another
BPL test site in the U.S., this one in Wenatchee Heights,
Chelan, Washington:


We've got ham radio operators all over the place monitoring for
this stuff, testing for interference by visiting sites, etc.
(such as reported on the Yahoo Groups list, BPLandHamRadio).  Ed
Hare, W1RFI, who is the main person at the ARRL who is
monitoring this stuff, indicates that the Chelan County site,
for instance, is using equipment following the HomePlug Alliance
specs, which notches out use of the amateur radio frequencies,
but otherwise doesn't protect any of the other shortwave
frequencies.  Other BPL test sites, such as in the Raleigh area
of South Carolina are also notching out use of most of the
amateur radio frequencies, but not international broadcasting
frequencies that I know of.

But what about international broadcasting frequencies?  Do we
have known SWLs in or visiting these test site areas (Penn Yan,
NY, Manassas, VA, South Carolina, and now the state of
Washington) who are also listening for interference?  If so, I
haven't heard them mentioned anywhere or have seen any
interference reports to the FCC yet from shortwave listeners.

Amy I missing something?  Are there any other groups actively
trying to do something besides the ham radio operators?  I would
hope so...

Back in to my lurking mode...
Cheers from Iowa,
Kevin, K9IUA

Kevin Anderson, Dubuque IA USA, K9IUA
k9iua (at) yahoo (dot) com

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