Re: [Swprograms] DOUBLE STANDARDS!
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Re: [Swprograms] DOUBLE STANDARDS!


I didn't watch the show and can think of no reason why CBS
decided to air the picture of a dying Princess Diana.
But, I do take exception to your statement that "people
who watch American TV are operating double standards".

The average American has NO say as to what the networks
decide to air. I also haven't met a single person who
saw the Janet Jackson  and got as irate as the right wing
news channels and the FCC. It's all a game by the present
administration to divert attention away from their debacle
in Iraq.

I don't think I would ever assume that the citizens of Great Britain
are at all responsible for the "America Bashing" being spun by the
BBC since 911. I had hoped that this would change with the recent 
at the BBC, but it still continues. In 40 years of listening to the BBC, the
last three years have been full of contempt for Americans. The best examples
I can think of offhand are 1) a BBC reporter, reporting from Foxwoods Casino
on the success of the American Indian Casino's, made the blunt statement 
the casino was filled with "Typical OVERWEIGHT and POORLY DRESSED 
2) the BBC correspondent denying that the Americans had made it to Baghdad,
because he couldn't see any Americans and he said it was typical American 
I'm listening to this while watching LIVE pictures of US Tanks rolling 
though the
streets of Baghdad on CBS T.V. That's the day the BBC World Service made my 
shit list
where it still remains.

I blame this on the BBC, not the listeners.

I also find it amazing that three weeks ago I watched a few different 
European & Middle
Eastern TV Stations via Satellite Dish showing uncut footage of 4 Americans 
being dragged
from a couple of burning vehicles and CHOPPED into pieces with shovels by 
smiling Iraqis.
The American TV stations did not show this horror. Where's all the outrage 
for that?

peace to all
jim strader

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Paul David" <pauldavid@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "Shortwave programming discussion" <swprograms@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2004 2:06 PM
Subject: [Swprograms] DOUBLE STANDARDS!

CBS TV is being rightly crucified in the UK by no less a person than Tony 
Blair for showing pictures of Princess Diana dying after the car crash in 
Paris in 1997.  The people who watch American TV are clearly operating 
double standards here.  Firstly, they round on CBS for daring to show Janet 
Jackson's breasts, an incident so trivial it hardly deserves comment.  Yet a 
couple of months later they sit in front of their TV screens watching many 
of the same CBS stations showing the sickening pictures of Princess Diana. 
I hope and trust that those of you in the USA reading this message did not 
stoop so low as to watch your local CBS affiliates last night.

Certainly if I was a watcher of CBS TV in the States I would be writing to 
my local affiliate leaving them in no doubt that they should not have shown 
such pictures, which surely go beyond the pale!

Now, back to the short-wave wireless.
Wembley Park, United Kingdom> 
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