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[IRCA] TP 23 Apr Victoria version

Although more DU action was expected due to the upset conditions, some of the low band big gun Asiatics still managed to make themselves felt.

pretty darn good audio (all of it understandable by a native speaker, at least briefly):

774 JOUB man in Japanese 1240UT //747

Reasonable audio at times during the period (much of it understandable by a native speaker, though often battling w/splash or noise):

1566 HLAZ man in Japanese 1239UT

not so reasonable audio, occasional words or phrases in splash or noise could be understood by a native speaker:

612 4QR woman talking //855 1238UT; still hanging in nicely for ABC news at 1300UT
747 JOIB man in Japanese 1230UT //774
972 HLCA man in Korean 1227UT
1053 Korean jammer 1224UT
1116 4BC assumed, man in DU English 1234UT

Burbles in the splatter and noise (if lucky, language might be guessed at by cadence of talk, or parallel established by changes in talk or music)

531 pop ballad 1225UT
594 man talking, maybe Japanese? 1227UT
603 pop music 1238UT
702 pop music 1229UT, not //NHK2, perhaps early showing of 2BL, as that was noted //612 1254UT
756 woman talking maybe DU English 1235UT
738 pop music 1227UT, likely Tahiti
756 R NZ National woman talking //675 which was weaker, 1246UT
774 3LO ABC fanfare 1300UT , talk //612
828 3GI woman talking, light music //612 1253UT
837 4RK light music, man talking //612 but delayed by about half a second 1255UT
855 4QO/4QB woman talking //612 1238UT
891 man talking DU English inflection 1237UT; another station there too?
954 pop music 1223UT
1143 woman talking and music, too weak to guess language 1246UT, but not // RNZ National
1287 man talking, Japanese inflection 1230UT

Strongish het, no or "near imaginary" audio (either undermodulated or ravaged by splatter)

567 621 792 846 882 936 1008 1026 1035 1152 1242

best wishes,


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