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Re: [IRCA] KXEL Petition

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If 50 kW stations are sometimes even a challenge to hear in steel buildings in/near city centers or are challenged by wall-warts, lighting fixtures, etc. in the average home, then how is dropping to 10 kW going to help?

Just because the signal goes hundreds of miles when listening on a good car radio at a site not near power lines and buildings, 30-50 miles of usable coverage might be more like the situation in "real world" listening.

AM stations may actually need to be running more power than less in the modern world of RF noise.

And do we really need more AM stations when many existing ones are going belly up?

The other play, of course, would be a digital-format band in the VHF or UHF region.  DAB and similar are being tried in Europe but not exactly with resounding success.

I'd rather have a few AM stations with quality locally-aware programming than a bunch of half-baked satellite programming relays.  Run enough power to get into typical home, office, and car environments without the accompanying hiss, squeaks, and squawks from every electro-gizmo within 500 ft.

Mark Connelly, WA1ION
South Yarmouth, MA

Do we really need 50k stations at all anymore? Maybe drop them down to 20k day and 10k or less at night. The San Francisco 50k stations cover far more than they need to. Do I really need to hear KCBS in Fresno in the daytime? 



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