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[IRCA] KXEL Petition


My comments on the KXEL petition:


Response to KXEL petition - 02.26.2014.


In addition to the above, I submit that in a national emergency the high
power stations would provide needed dissemination of information within its
day and night coverage areas and provide redundancy should that be needed!
Low power and FM stations would be much less capable of providing the
public's interest, convenience, and necessity. Further, with the heightened
concerns about national security to limit available, operating, and viable
communications systems operating within the law seems at best foolhardy! In
terms of rapid emergency or even, God forbid, catastrophic periods the high
power stations would be a more immediate and possibly coordinated
communications facility. Many ground stations would be much more difficult
to sabotage than concentrated systems such as cable and satellites. And
remember the proven reliability and simplicity of the A. M. systems and
wireless communications in general.


Tom E. H. Gruis, Ed. D.



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