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[IRCA] Alberta TPs for 30 January 2016

This was one of those mornings I can't explain, completely different than any recent morning, and seemingly out of sync with what Nick was hearing too.

639	unID	Traces of talk by a man at 1445

729	unID	Traces of a man talking at 1446

828	JAPAN, Osaka	JOBB
Very unusually, the only Japanese with audio today. First noted with talk by a man at 1446, and pretty steady for the next 10-15 minutes.

Rose from an unexceptional carrier at 1444 to fair-good audio at 1449 with woman in Korean.

1323	unID	Traces of man talking at 1446

1377 unID Very weak, with woman talking at 1446. Normally I'd strongly suspect China, but the 'sound' didn't seem quite right today. Unfortunately 1377 and 1593 refused to be at audible level at the same time to check any possible parallel.

1386	unID	Very weak, with talk by a man at 1444

1548	AUSTRALIA, Emerald	4QD	
The star of the morning, with 100% copy at 1444 tune in,with interview during the Saturday Night Country program. Easily the best I've heard this one all season, with the signal strength pretty much even with the domestic on 1550.
1566    KOREA, S	HLAZ	
     At fair-good level with woman speaking at 1444.

	Woman speaking on southeast Asian language.   Fair-good level.

1584 unID Mostly at mumble level, but did catch a few words during a commercial at 1447 to determine it was in English.

1593	CHINA		CNR1
	Generally poor, fading in and out, with man in Chinese at 1444.

Decent carriers noted on most split frequencies, right from 558 to 1701.


Nigel Pimblett
Dunmore, AB
Perseus SDR & Wellbrook Phased Array
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