Re: [IRCA] 657-Pyongyang Doo-Wop Music?
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Re: [IRCA] 657-Pyongyang Doo-Wop Music?

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--- Begin Message ---
<<<   A video would be quite valuable I would think, Gary....By the looks 
of it there would be more than a few to go through until  you find 
the exact number that you heard, hi.   >>>
Well, Nick, I wouldn't mind going through a few of that girl group's videos until I find the song that I heard...  and I can imagine a few TP-DXers who might even like to assist me in the search :-) 
I've heard that all the radios and TV's in that country are fixed on one or two "approved" frequencies-- so maybe they are trying to improve the programming for the captive audience? In any case, it sure beats the angry tirades, martial music and dreary orchestras.

73, Gary

-----Original Message-----
From: Nick Hall-Patch <nhp@xxxxxxxx>
To: d1028gary <d1028gary@xxxxxxx>; Mailing list for the International Radio Club of America <irca@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Fri, May 16, 2014 10:43 pm
Subject: Re: [IRCA] 657-Pyongyang Doo-Wop Music?

A video would be quite valuable I would think, Gary....By the looks 
of it there would be more than a few to go through until  you find 
the exact number that you heard, hi.

best wishes,


At 22:24 16-05-14, you wrote:

>Hi Bruce,
>Yes, that looks exactly like the group that I heard on 657-Pyongyang 
>(maybe with a little imagination thrown in).
>I may need to monitor 657 more often in the Fall Season from now on :-)
>73, Gary
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Bruce Portzer <bportzer@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>To: d1028gary <d1028gary@xxxxxxx>; irca <irca@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>Sent: Fri, May 16, 2014 9:53 am
>Subject: Re: [IRCA] 657-Pyongyang Doo-Wop Music?
>Maybe you heard this group?
>From: "irca" <irca@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>To: "irca" <irca@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, ultralightdx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>Sent: Friday, May 16, 2014 8:15:19 AM
>Subject: [IRCA] 657-Pyongyang Doo-Wop Music?
>Hello All,
>Although almost all TP-DXers seem to be taking a break from the 
>daily chase due to the miserable May conditions, I thought I would 
>share a bizarre recording made last month at the Rockwork 4 ocean 
>cliff in Oregon.
>At 1147 UTC (0447 local time) it was still totally dark at the 
>Highway 101 turnoff on April 9, the first morning of my DXpedition. 
>The South Pacific stations were already bailing, but the Asian big 
>guns were starting to boom in. I tuned in to 657, expecting to hear 
>the usual tirades, martial music and/ or dreary orchestra from 
>Pyongyang, North Korea. To my great surprise I got nothing of the 
>sort, but instead a pop-sounding number sounding very much like an 
>American girl group from the early 60's.
>This two minute recording made me wonder if I might have tracked 
>down the wrong TP, since nothing like this had ever been heard from 
>Pyongyang in my 7 years of TP-DXing. As if to reassure me, however, 
>the angry Korean tirades returned immediately afterwards (along with 
>more tirades on the sick-sounding 702 channel, for good measure).
>73 and Good DX,
>Gary DeBock (in Puyallup, WA, USA)


--- End Message ---