[IRCA] 1710 unid
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[IRCA] 1710 unid

Ken, I live about 7 miles from the Springfield Armory and the tis is on 24
hours a day.  I am currently hearing SS music and talk in the background
under the tis. I don't know how to post a recording. There are a lot of
unlicensed SS stations in the Springfield / Boston / Hartford  area. Maybe
you are hearing one of them.   Jim

From: "Ken, Scotland" <kenny@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: irca@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [IRCA] Re 1710 UNID heard in Europe
Message-ID: <53451968.60904@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

I see the posts re 1710. Is there anyone with a recording they can post
of the 3m loop from Springfield MA??

I have been hearing what sounds like American English on 1710 (thats how
weak the signal is, only a few words here and there)

The funny thing is, it seems to be there only at 0500UTC / GMT. I even
recorded 0430 and 0530 today, and find there is no trace. Maybe I should
record an hour around that time.

0500 is first light here, so of course it will be the peak time, but I
did hear the TIS thing from NJ a few times throughout the night some
months ago.

What I seem to be hearing is an OM and YL alternating, and sometimes
some kind of music. I don't seem to have found any words of significance

I looked last night for the MA Perseus server, but it wasn't on.



watching closely for QRP stuff on 1710!!

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