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Bleary-eyed folks bravely made it to our early start yesterday, to take part in "formal" sessions on THE DX FISHBARREL, CHASING SUNSET SKIP, TAMING THE SHORT VERTICAL, DON MOMAN'S ANTENNA FARM, THE FSL ANTENNA, ADVANCEMENTS IN MW ANTENNAS AND A CR-1 RECEIVER REVIEW. Our presenters were awesome, well-prepared, energetic and eager to share. A number of us participated in the lunch session presented by the IEEE, on the use of meta-materials in advancing antenna performance. THANK YOU CHRIS FULLER!!!

I'm not alone in declaring that I learned a LOT through the day.

The afternoon highlight for most was the tour of the Pavek Museum of Broadcasting. We "clap" our electronic hands in appreciation of the hospitality and the tours of the Museum led by Steve Raymer, Danny Henry and Courtney Bakken.

The evening sessions at the Broadcasting Museum followed business meetings of the clubs. As expected, each club has a somewhat different situation regarding membership size and activity level. Good, constructive input was provided. Ideas on improving Accessibility of club information were offered by several Blind members. Many favorable comments on the DX Audio Service and several suggestions on service will be transmitted to Fred Vobbe.

The evening was highlighted by a spirited discussion on the future of the the DX Clubs led by Skip Dabelstein. Some clear thought was offered as to how we might reinforce the services our clubs provide their membership.

The NRC members present at its business meeting unanimously approved a Resolution to be transmitted to the IRCA, expressing NRC's interest in joining IRCA for its Anniversary Convention in Billings 2014.

IRCA presented its recognition awards to Lee Freshwater and Kraig Krist. Nick Hall-Patch is asked to provide further detail on these awards for the enlightenment of non-IRCA members.

Genial warhorse John Callarman reflected on his years in the hobby and announced that he was donating to the NRC his new, unused Perseus SDR, to be sold in a club-wide auction. THANK YOU JOHN!!!

Judos to all who attended...and our admiration for the energy (and stamina) of those who 'survived' a long and thoroughly enjoyable day.

We also tip our hat in the direction of those fine folks who provided car-pooling to and from the Museum.

If we haven't worn everyone out, we begin another day at 9 AM this morning. A report on "Saturday at the Convention" will follow.


Mark Durenberger

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