[IRCA] Puyallup, WA Ultralight TP's for 11-4
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[IRCA] Puyallup, WA Ultralight TP's for 11-4

Hello All,

The TP-DX here this morning was closer to Nick's dreary version than what Dennis reported. Five big gun Asiatic signals managed to come up in strength enough to produce audio during peak sunrise enhancement from 1430-1450 UTC, but of these only 972-HLCA managed good audio (temporarily). The other Japanese and Korean big guns had anemic signals fading in and out-- for any DXer with enough patience to wait around for them (not me!). In general it was a pretty forgettable morning, and more evidence that the Fall TP Season may be on its last legs.
594  JOAK  Tokyo, Japan  Poor Japanese OM speech
            at 1430; in and out of noise thereafter
747  JOIB Sapporo, Japan  Threshold audio in and out
            during peak sunrise enhancement
972  HLCA  Dangjin, S. Korea  Fair-good Korean OM-YL
            conversation at 1448; best TP signal of the session
1053  Korean Jammer  Anemic buzz barely audible through
            domestic splatter at 1435
1566  HLAZ  Jeju, S. Korea  Wispy Christian music rising 
           up out of noise briefly at 1445, then long gone 

73 and Good DX,
Gary DeBock (in Puyallup, WA, USA)
7.5" MW loopstick Tecsun PL-380 + 
8" Medium Wave FSL antenna
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