[IRCA] TP's & DU's for Friday, October 5, 2012
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[IRCA] TP's & DU's for Friday, October 5, 2012

Listened from 1230-1435 utc. A very good morning for Japanese stations. 531 JOQG in for the first time at this location. JOCK 729 also heard at 1400 with no splatter from the BC Canada station. 702 with either JOFB or JOKD // JOUB 774. No Chinese stations this morning. Best reception below 972 kHz. 3 DU stations also were heard. Signals fell off at 1415 utc. After 1405 utc the HPAW was the best antenna for reception. Still hearing JOAK 594 with the HPAW at 1435.

153   RUSSIA, Radio Rossii 1230-1235 good signal with guitar music followed by man in Russian and more guitar music. HPAW. 10/05/2012

180   RUSSIA, Radio Rossii 1236 fair signal with guitar music. HPAW. 10/05/2012

189   RUSSIA, Radio Rossii 1237 fair signal with guitar music. HPAW. 10/05/2012

234   RUSSIA, Radio Rossii 1238 good signal with guitar music. HPAW. 10/05/2012

279   RUSSIA, Radio Rossii 1240 fair signal with guitar music. NW ewe. 10/05/2012

531   JAPAN, JOQG NHK1 1337-1342 steady weak signal with man followed by woman in Japanese. // JOAK. First time station heard on this channel. HARS stations usually produced heavy splatter on channel. 

558   JAPAN, JOCR Radio Kansai 1242-1243 weak signal with man/woman in Japanese. Moderate splatter. NW ewe. 10/05/2012

567   JAPAN, JOIK NHK1 1245 weak to fair signal with woman in Japanese. // 594. NW ewe. 10/05/2012

576   RUSSIA, Rst Mayak 1246-1247 very weak signal with man in Russian. NW ewe. 10/05/2012

594   JAPAN, JOAK NHK1 1251 weak signal with man singing. NW ewe. 1422 fair signal on the HPAW. 10/05/2012

603   REPUBLIC OF KOREA, HLSA 1252 poor signal with music. NW ewe. 10/05/2012

648   RUSSIA, VOR 1345 weak signal with music. Chinese program (PALs). Woman in Chinese 1346. NW ewe. 10/05/2012

657   DPR OF KOREA, 1347 fair signal with very slow instrumental music. // 3250. NW ewe. 10/05/2012

693   JAPAN, JOAB NHK2 1253 fair signal with man in Japanese. Moderate splatter. NW ewe. 1417 good signal on HPAW. 10/05/2012

702   JAPAN, JOFB OR JOKD NHK2 1352-1356 weak signal // 774. Signal to fair at 1455. Second morning in a roll. NW ewe. 10/05/2012 

729   JAPAN, JOCK NHK1 1357-1402 weak to fair signal. // JOAK 594. 4 pips at 1400 followed by man in Japanese. No splatter this morning and rare station here. NW ewe. 10/05/2012

738   UNKNOWN, 1256 a couple stations in with weak signals. One with Asian speaker. Other unable to tell language.

738   TAHITI, Radio Polynesie 1404 fair signal with man in French. Heard on all 4 antennas. 10/25/2012

747   JAPAN, JOIB 1259 fair signal with heavy splatter. NW ewe. 10/05/2012

774   JAPAN, JOUB NHK2 1259-1300 3 pips 1 tone at 1300 followed by man in Japanese. Very good signal with slight splatter. W-SW ewe. 1407-1408 good signal on HPAW. 10/05/2012

774   AUSTRALIA, 3LO ABC 1259-1303 weak signal under JOUB. Woman speaker, seemed to match live stream of 3LO. W-SW ewe. 10/05/2012

792   AUSTRALIA, 4RN ABC 1307 assuming station with weak signal and woman announcer. W-SW ewe. 10/05/2012 

828   JAPAN, JOBB NHK2 fair signal with man in Japanese. Moderate splatter. NW ewe. 10/05/2012

873   JAPAN, JOGB NHK2 weak signal with man in Japanese. NW ewe. 10/05/2012

972   REPUBLIC OF KOREA, HLCA 1315 fair-good signal with woman/man in Korean with less splatter this morning. NW ewe. Still around at 1419 with fair signal on HPAW.10/05/2012

1116  UNKNOWN, 1317-1319 very weak signal with man in unknown language. Moderate splatter.  W-SW ewe. 10/05/2012

1287  JAPAN, JOHR HBC 1331 fair signal with woman in Japanese and moderate splatter. NW ewe. 10/05/2012

1566  REPUBLIC OR KOREA, HLAZ FEBC 1334 good signal with man in Japanese. NW ewe. 10/05/2012

1575  THAILAND, VOA 1334-1336 very week signal with man/woman in Khmer. (PALs) NW ewe. 10/05/2012

Best regards,

Kalama, WA
JRC NRD 545 + DRAKE R8B + EAC R-390A
NW & W-SW ewes + Sky wire loop 753'
High Performance Active whip (long-wave)
Solar Indices SF 110 A 3 K 1
Local Sunrise 1416 utc
      Sunset  0143 utc
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