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[IRCA] Puyallup, WA Ultralight TP's for 11-23

Hello All,
     The same deep freeze noted by Bruce also hit  the Puyallup (WA) area 
last night, making it impractical to set  up large loop antennas in the back 
yard. That probably didn't  matter much, since the Asian TP signals checked 
indoors seemed to be in a  deep freeze themselves.
     Like yesterday, several "big guns" managed to dig  themselves out of 
the noise with fair audio around 1500 (594-JOAK, 747-JOIB  and 828-JOBB), but 
all the Asians were anemic indeed. 648-VOR and  657-Pyongyang managed 
threshold audio at times, but these were hardly  high-priority catches. I didn't 
notice 820-KGNW's silence (like Bruce did), but  since the 819 North Korean 
had already been heard here last October, it wasn't a  big disappointment. 
The general TP propagation continues to be dreary, with the  Fall DX Season 
apparently in its final, last-gasp days.
73, Gary  DeBock      
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